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m (residence and profession)
'''Layton''' was a professor of mathematics at [[Armedius Academy]].{{book ref|Rithmatist|3}}
In one of his classes, he teaches [[Joel]] as well as three [[MelodyRithmatics|Rithmatist]], students:[[JohnMelody]], and [[LucJohn]], threeand [[RithmaticsLuc]].{{book students.ref|Rithmatist|3}}
He is very enthusiastic about mathematics. He initially thinks Joel cheats in his exams, as he frequently forgets to do his homework assignments but gets good scores on the exams. WhenHowever, Joel proves able to complete math problems in his head very quickly, heLayton realizes Joel's abilities are genuine and attempts to get him to join one of his advanced classessummer electives.{{book ref|Rithmatist|3}}
== Trivia ==
