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|abilities={{tag|Fused}}, {{tag+|Cognitive Shadow}}, {{tag+|Surgebinder}} <small>([[Gravitation]])</small>
'''Kyril''' is a [[Fused]] who does inspections in [[Celebrant]].{{book ref|sa3|102}}
He's is capable of floating, implying he has the power of [[Gravitation]]. He and another Fused, who's is noted to be have gone insane, visit the city every once in a while to check if Celebrant's officials keepare continuing to obeyingobey the [[Voidbringer]]s properly. He has a short temper, and a tendency to start fires when he gets angry.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
== History ==
Kyril hashad been visiting Celebrant for several months by the time he arrivesarrived there to track down [[Kaladin]], [[Shallan]], [[Adolin]], and their [[spren]] after they had fled [[Kholinar]] through [[Shadesmar]]. He examinesexamined Captain [[Ico]]'s ship and findsfound traces of human habitation there, including remains of food and a [[hydrator]]. He attemptsattempted to threaten Ico for information, but accidentally startsstarted a fire instead.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
After leaving the blazing ship, he stormsstormed into the office of the dock registrar, demandingand demanded to know why he wasn't informed of humans arriving in the city. When the registrar informs himreplied that Kyril didn't ask him for the information, the Fused ordersordered him to put out the fire, then sackssacked the registrar and goeswent on ahead to search the city for the humans. After the group boardsboarded the ''[[Honor's Path]]'', Kyril returnsreturned to the port, but doesn'tdid not notice his preyquarry, thinking they're were still in the docks. Eventually, he fliesflew away in a different direction.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
== Trivia ==
* Kyril is one of the few characters in ''[[The Stormlight Archive]]'' to have a name that exists in the real world.
== Notes ==
Autopatrolled, Editors
