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Khriss was engaged for a time to [[Gevalden]]--or Gevin, as he preferred in informal settings{{book ref|ws|5}}--a Prince of Elis. Before their wedding, Gevalden traveled to Dayside in search of the mythical Sand Mages, where he was shot by [[Dynasty]] assassins. His linguist and assistant, [[Wilheln]], wrote to Khriss to report on his death.{{book ref|ws|prologue}} Khriss, determined to seek out what her fiancé was trying to discover, traveled to Dayside with [[Baon]], [[Allstren Cynder]], and [[Jon Acron]] and some Elisian soldiers.{{book ref|ws|prologue}} They arrived in the [[Kerztian]] port of [[Dosha-Har'Ken]], on the northwest coast of Dayside, and purchased supplies from a merchant that spoke Dynastic, who also offered the services of his nephew [[Daazk]] as a guide to [[Lossand]].{{book ref|ws|prologue}}
==== Crisis in the Diem ====
She met [[Kenton]] shortly after the Kerztian attack on the [[Sand_mastery|sand master]]s,{{book ref|ws|3}} and he agreed to be her guide to Lossand's capital, [[Kezare]], where they parted ways.{{book ref|ws|4}} In the Darksider district of [[Lonzare]] Khriss met with [[Loaten]] and attempted to get answers about Gevin's attempt to contact the sand mages, but their meeting was inturrpted by [[Nilto]].{{book ref|ws|5}} She then sought the [[Taisha]], assuming Gevin would have met with them, but failed to get meetings with any of the Taishin before finally discovering Kenton was the [[Taishin#The Lord Mastrell|Lord Mastrell]].{{book ref|ws|6}}
