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'''Jenet''' is the stablemaster of the [[Shattered Plains|Kholin warcamp]]'s stables on the [[Shattered Plains]].
== Appearance and Personality ==
Jenet is a pretty woman who wears her hair up in a simple tail with no ornaments. Her face is rather taut, which [[Kaladin]] finds strange for a [[lighteyes]]. She wears a riding dress, a [[Havah]] made of coarser material than silk with slits from ankle to thigh up the front and back, with feminine trousers underneath.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
Jenet cares deeply for the horses and their safety, expressing concern when [[Dalinar]] orders the horses to be used on patrol outside the camps.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
== History ==
Jenet chose to work with horses since they are not mentioned in [[Arts and Majesty]]. At some point she started courting Adolin but things went south enough between them for her to throw rocks at him upon sight.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
Dalinar orders her to train [[Bridge Four]] and the other [[bridgemen]] under his service in horse riding, which she finds to be very frustrating. She seems both incredulous and amused when Kaladin says he is going to ride [[Dreamstorm]] and seems more worried about the horse's safety than his. She watches in both horror and awe as he rides Dreamstorm until the point that shehe throwsis himthrown off.{{book ref|sa2|25}}
== Notes ==