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;'''Soulcasting''': When Soulcasting, both Surgebinders and fabrial users are limited by the types of gems available to them.{{wob ref|2784}} While the chemical composition of the gemstone is important, its color is paramount, with every color of a polestone corresponding to one of the [[Ten Essences]]. Some polestones are the same type of crystal but with different color and chemical signatures, such as sapphires and rubies both being types of corundum.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}} Much like how [[iron]] and [[steel]], despite being very similar chemically, are different metals in the Metallic Arts, the exact color and chemical signatures are enough to differentiate the polestones. As a result, an off-color polestone acts much like an impure alloy in Allomancy.{{wob ref|4080}} If a polestone was drained of its color by an Awakener, it would still hold Stormlight but would have the properties of a dusty or cloudy quartz.{{wob ref|3203}}{{wob ref|295}} If a spren was trapped inside, they would be released.{{wob ref|292}} Although the type of polestone Stormlight is stored in is irrelevant for most [[Surgebinding]], polestones do have an important impact on Soulcasting. Namely, they determine what kind of substances a Soulcaster can transmute objects into.{{wob ref|2784}}
;'''Fabrials''': The color of a gemstone determines its flavor to a spren, and can be used to attract certain types of spren.{{book ref|sa4|42}}
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