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Hurl is an impulsive person who does not have qualms with taking risks and does not always acknowledge the seriousness of her situation.{{book ref|sky1|10}}{{book ref|sky1|13}}{{book ref|sky1|23}} Her impatience and higher tolerance for risk during training and battle has led to several moments where Hurl has been in either simulated{{book ref|sky1|15}} or real danger.{{book ref|sky1|32}} She thinks highly of her own flying abilities and does not like sitting on the sidelines of a fight.{{book ref|sky1|32}} Her stubbornness and overconfidence has led her to actively ignore warnings from her comrades during battle, leading to disastrous results.{{book ref|sky1|32}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
|That long swath seemed to indicate that she’d managed to get her ship horizontal at the end, that she’d gotten close to a gliding position. So she’d almost done it. With a blown-off wing and a broken acclivity ring, she’d still almost landed.
|A description of Hurl's piloting abilities{{book ref|sky1|34}}
As someone who passed the flight school entrance exam, Hurl is highly knowledgeable about piloting and [[starfighter]]s.{{book ref|sky1|8}} She does not seem to have any prior practical experience in starfighters from before flight school.{{book ref|sky1|9}}{{book ref|sky1|11}} Ultimately she trains to pilot a [[Poco]], perform aerial maneuvers, and use its weaponry. Hurl is aware of flight school traditions prior to starting her training as a cadet and believed the rumor that cadets were expelled if they ejected from their aircraft was to weed out cowards from the [[DDF]].{{book ref|sky1|9}}
She is an excellent flier, skilled at using a [[light-lance]], and hunting down [[varvax|Krell]] during battle, however, her enthusiasm can cross into over-eagerness and recklessness.{{book ref|sky1|15}}{{book ref|sky1|28}} She does not like flying in loops, and keeps trying to name flight moves after herself.{{book ref|sky1|28}}
Prior to joining flight school, Hurl was in the student [[digball]] team, in the position of carrier.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She was highly talented and known as one of the best in the league.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She finds flying gives her a similar, though larger, adrenaline rush than sports.{{book ref|sky1|31}} Although she enjoyed athletics, she finds that she misses her team more than she misses the game itself.{{book ref|sky1|31}}
== Relationships ==
== History ==
After passing the entrance exam, Hurl was placed in [[Skyward Flight]] under the tutorledge of [[Cobb]]. Her first day of [[flight school]] saw her arriving at the class room with [[Bim]], indicating that they may have known each other prior to the class. She was roomed with the other female members of her flight, with the exception of [[Spensa]], who was denied accommodation.{{book ref|sky1|11}}
Following her death, Cobb writes to Hurl's parents to explain how she died. Although the Admiral of the DDF was usually tasked with this duty, Cobb did not trust what [[Ironsides]] would say to the grieving parents and decided to take on the responsibility himself.{{book ref|sky1|33}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
|That long swath seemed to indicate that she’d managed to get her ship horizontal at the end, that she’d gotten close to a gliding position. So she’d almost done it. With a blown-off wing and a broken acclivity ring, she’d still almost landed.
|A description of Hurl's piloting abilities{{book ref|sky1|34}}
As someone who passed the flight school entrance exam, Hurl is highly knowledgeable about piloting and [[starfighter]]s.{{book ref|sky1|8}} She does not seem to have any prior practical experience in starfighters from before flight school.{{book ref|sky1|9}}{{book ref|sky1|11}} Ultimately she trains to pilot a [[Poco]], perform aerial maneuvers, and use its weaponry. Hurl is aware of flight school traditions prior to starting her training as a cadet and believed the rumor that cadets were expelled if they ejected from their aircraft was to weed out cowards from the [[DDF]].{{book ref|sky1|9}}
She is an excellent flier, skilled at using a [[light-lance]], and hunting down [[varvax|Krell]] during battle, however, her enthusiasm can cross into over-eagerness and recklessness.{{book ref|sky1|15}}{{book ref|sky1|28}} She does not like flying in loops, and keeps trying to name flight moves after herself.{{book ref|sky1|28}}
Prior to joining flight school, Hurl was in the student [[digball]] team, in the position of carrier.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She was highly talented and known as one of the best in the league.{{book ref|sky1|23}} She finds flying gives her a similar, though larger, adrenaline rush than sports.{{book ref|sky1|31}} Although she enjoyed athletics, she finds that she misses her team more than she misses the game itself.{{book ref|sky1|31}}
== Relationships ==
=== Spensa ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
