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(→‎Heralds of the Almighty: Updating Herald statuses wrt SA4)
m (I don't think that belonged in the intro; I think this is better)
The '''Heralds''' are servants of [[the Almighty]] worshipped across the whole of [[Roshar]]. There are ten of them, with each associated with one of the [[Ten Essences]] and one of the ten orders of the [[Knights Radiant]]. They are known by different names in different cultures -- in [[Azir]], they are known as the '''Kadasixes''',{{book ref|sa2|I|9}} and in [[Vorin]] countries, the suffix "'Elin" is often appended to their names, presumably as a honorific.{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|18}}{{book ref|sa1|55}}{{book ref|sa1|epilogue}}{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}
The Heralds are so heavily Invested they are no longer human.{{wob ref|8468}}
== History ==
=== Resurrection ===
The Heralds are [[cognitiveCognitive shadowShadow]]s capable of repeatedly returning back to life and have become so heavily Invested they are no longer human.{{wob ref|4024}}{{wob ref|8468}} While alive, they do not age, allowing them to live for millennia.{{book ref|sa3|117}} Upon death, they are transported to [[Braize]], where they are tortured until one of them breaks. When that happens, they are returned back to life on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|sa3|38}} This process isn't well-understood, though one thing that is certain about it is that unlike the [[Fused]], the Heralds do not hijack human bodies to resurrect.{{wob ref|12029}} Unlike similar resurrected entities, like the [[Nalthis|Nalthian]] [[Returned]], the Heralds don't have to consume [[Investiture]] in order to remain alive.{{wob ref|10581}}
This ability to resurrect makes the Heralds essentially immortal. Until very recently, there was no way to kill them permanently; as of right now, the only weapon known to be able to put them down for good is [[Vyre's knife]].{{book ref|sa3|121}}
=== Surgebinding ===
Each Herald wields an [[Honorblade]], a sword similar in function to a [[Shardblade]], albeit far more powerful.{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}} Honorblades can be bonded like regular Shardblades, and are similarly sharp, but unlike Shardblades, they allow their wielders to utilize two [[Surge]]s each. As such, while wielding their Blades, each of the Heralds is a [[Surgebinder]].{{book ref|sa3|16}} While they each have an Honorblade assigned to them, in the past, they would occassionallyoccasionally swap their Honorblades between each other, allowing them to use the Surges of others.{{wob ref|3564}}
[[Spren]] would later copy the Heralds' [[Surgebinding]], thus creating the [[Knights Radiant]], with each order matching the powers of one of the Heralds.{{book ref|sa2|87}} The Radiants have some powers that the Heralds lack -- for example, the Heralds did not have [[squire]]s.{{wob ref|3958}} However, unlike the Knights, the Heralds were powered directly by [[Honor]], and had access to raw levels of Investiture that no Radiant could possibly match.{{wob ref|1572}}{{wob ref|10331}} Additionally, they didn't need to draw Stormlight from gems, which implies they could get it directly from their bond with Honor.{{wob ref|2549}} This ability appears to be inherent to the Heralds and not tied to their Honorblades as it is not replicable by other users. How this manifests after Honor's death and Splintering is unknown.
Apart from the Surges, Heralds get a number of other advantages, although what precisely they are is uncertain.{{wob ref|3623}}{{wob ref|6898}} It's possible that those include superhuman speed and reflexes.{{book ref|sa2|88}} However, they are also said to have no innate powers, suggesting that whatever they can do is the result of either their connection to Honor or their own experience.{{wob ref|1050}} Moreover, each Herald had their own field of expertise, such as medicine or smithing, and the knowledge of how to teach those skills to others.{{book ref|sa3|47}} Heralds are able to share pain with each other through their bond, but it is unknown if they can do this outside of Braize.{{book ref|sa3|38}} They are also able to sense when another Herald has permanently died, which can cause them enough shock to render them temporally unconscious.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
Some Heralds are more [[Cosmerecosmere]]-aware than others.{{wob ref|11756}} A few of them are aware of [[AonDor]], but only on a conceptual level.{{wob ref|12021}}
== Heralds of the Almighty ==