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m (Added link to Ulim's page.)
m (it's not quite complete yet)
'''Hariel''' is a [[Fused]] who possessed [[Demid]].{{book ref|sa3|i|6}}
He has a large physique, far taller than Venli, and his body pulsed with a deep purple color.{{expand|there's lots more of Hariel's character before he's named, everything post-storm attributed to Demid is Hariel's character}}
According to [[Ulim]], Hariel has one of the worst tempers of all the Fused. However, Hariel seemed to be able to think clearly, unlike many of the other Fused, so he must be one of the Sane.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}}
WhenAccording to [[VenliUlim]], requestedHariel thathas Demidone beof revived,the Harielworst informedtempers herof all the Fused. However Ulim concedes that Demidsince hadHariel passedseems intoto thebe able to think beyondclearly, andunlike couldmany notof the other Fused, he may be broughtone of the sane backones.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}}
When [[Venli]] requests that Demid be revived, Hariel informs her that Demid has already passed into the beyond, and cannot be brought back.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}}
== Notes ==
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