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Gaotona volunteers to personally oversee Shai's work to reForge Ashravan's soul. He is extremely cautious in guarding Shai. He forbids her from telling her guards about her work. He also employs [[Weedfingers]] to use [[Bloodsealing]] to prevent Shai from escaping. Gaotona's previous interaction with Weedfingers led him to believe the man is trustworthy in imprisoning her.{{tes ref|3}} Gaotona continued to watch and visit Shai each day as she worked.{{tes ref|3}} While Shai was doing her initial research into Ashravan's life, gaotona brought a book to her room to read. Gaotona asks Shai to tell him about how Forgery works after he wattcheswatches her Forge the desk in her room. He finds the bits of [[Realmatic Theory]] that she tells him to be superstitious nonsense, but his mind is open to learning. At Shai's advice, Gaotona increases the security around the emperor. He appoints someone to change a fake chamber pot and forbids anyone without a card showing his personal signature to enter the room.{{tes ref|12}} The seventeenth day after the assassination attempt, Gaotona took a break from watching Shai and went to the [[Delbahad]] festivities.{{tes ref|17}}
[[File:{{image|TES - Shai and Gaotona by Johanna Rupprecht.jpg|thumb|side=left|width=350px|Gaotona and [[Shai]] by [[Coppermind:Artists/Lyraina|Lyraina]]]]}}
[[File:TES - Shai and Gaotona by Johanna Rupprecht.jpg|thumb|left|350px|Gaotona and [[Shai]] by [[Coppermind:Artists/Lyraina|Lyraina]]]]
Gaotona offered himself up as the test subject for Shai's [[Essence Mark]]s, as he fit the qualifications and did not want to subject any of his people to the abomination of Soul Forgery. The first one he tried took, but the second did not. Talking to Shai about art, Gaotona realized there was something the arbiters missed about [[ShuXen]]'s painting. Shai admitted to him that the version hanging in Frava's office was a fake and that she'd burned the original. Angry at the destruction, Gaotona left for the day.{{tes ref|30}} Gaotona remained angry at Shai for burning the painting for some time, though he was able to return to a professional relationship and continue testing the Essence Marks.{{tes ref|70}} By day fifty-eight, he had tested over a hundred stamps for Shai.{{tes ref|58}} In order to better understand what Shai is doing to him, Gaotona studies Forgery and [[soulstamp]]s. His understanding grows quickly, and he soon can recognize what specific symbols in the stamps represent. Shai finally uses the soulstamp showing Ashravan's shame felt from Gaotona. The realization shocks Gaotona. Shai comments that, unlike the other arbiters, Gaotona is willing to use Forgery because he wants the man he loved as a son back. Gaotona realizes that, despite their best efforts, they've all underestimated Shai and her ability with people.{{tes ref|70}}
On day seventy-six, Gaotona decides to bring Shai's Essence Marks to her room to talk to her about them. When he arrives, Gaotona finds Shai stamping the wall to paint it with intricate patterns and designs. Gaotona observes that Shai had the skills to paint the walls herself and wonders again why Shai would choose to Forge it instead. Gaotona asks about the five Essence Marks, and Shai tells him the truth about her escape plan if she ever wanted to leave the life of a Forger. Shai also tells him the truth about ShuXen hiring her to destroy his own painting. While Gaotona does not agree with Shai, he understands her perspective. He also sees the potential in soulstamps to bring awareness of other people's perspectives to people.{{tes ref|76}}
When Gaotona learned that Shai had broken out of her room, he immediately went for Ashravan's rooms, bringing Shai's Essence Marks with him. Gaotona returns them to her, keeping up the arbiters' end of the deal. Gaotona realizes that Shai manipulated him, but is unsure how. Shai tells him it was the hardest way possible, by being genuine. Shai gives him a book containing the truth and he tells her to leave, before Weedfingers catches her. Fearful of what he'll find, Gaotona enters Ashravan's room. Gaotona is amazed at the similarity between what Shai created and the original Ashravan.{{tes ref|98}} When Gaotona read the copy of the book Shai had left him, he discoveredddiscovered it was a copy of Ashravan's soulstamp. Shai had written an explanation of the modifications she'd made that would, slowly, lead to Ashravan becoming a better man. Overcome by the beauty of the art Shai had reatedcreated in her work, Gaotona realized the only way the modifications would work is if no one knows about them. He burns the book.{{tes ref|epilogue}}
== Relationships ==
Gaotona loves Ashravan and views him as a son. He was Ashravan's mentor and always believed in and viewed the best in him, such as encouraging Ashravan to become emperor. Ashravan felt shame and disappointment for not living up to what Gaotona believed of him.{{tes ref|70}} Because of this, Ashravan began to resent Gaotona and slowly pushed him further away, until he was almost willing to have Gaotona replaced as arbiter.{{tes ref|epilogue}} When Ashravan was braindead, Gaotona was the one who missed him as a person, rather than as emperor. Gaotona was unaware of Ashravan's resentment towards him until Shai showed him with a soulstamp.{{tes ref|70}}
[[File:{{image|TES Full Cast.jpeg|thumb|side=right|width=400px|The Emperor's Soul by [[User: Botanicaxu]]]]}}
=== Shai ===
Initially, Gaotona has a strong dislike towards Shai becuasebecause of her status as a theifthief and a Forger. Seeing her artistic talents, he believes that she has wasted her life and feels disappointment that she is not creating her own art. The two have disagreements over Shai's actions, particularly Shai's burning of ShuXen's painting.{{tes ref|30}} By being genuine, Shai allows Gaotona to understand her perspective on art and her actions. While Gaotona claims to not be on her side, he does not want her dead and aids in her escape. Gaotona left enough of an impact on Shai for her to write him into her final Essence Mark as a kindly grandfather.{{tes ref|98}} She comes to trust him enough to leave her book about Ashravan's soul with him. Similarly, Shai managed to change Gaotona's view on art enough that he was willing to burn her book, which he viewed as a masterpiece.{{tes ref|epilogue}}
=== Frava ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
