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'''Forch''' is a [[Terris]] youth living in [[The Village]] in [[Elendel]] on [[Scadrial]] during [[Waxillium Ladrian]]'s youth.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} Forch is an arsonist and a kidnapper that is killed by Waxillium Ladrian. His interactions with the young Wax strongly influences Wax's later life, forcing him to leave the Village and pushing him further on his path to becoming a lawman.
== Appearance and Personality ==
| I've just got to see what's inside. You know?
| Forch on his obsession{{book ref|mb6|prologue}}
Forch is a tall young man in his late teens.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} He almost never says anything and also rarely displays any sort of emotion. He has few friends of his own. Forch is a clever man though, capable of careful planning, such as establishing a false alibi in order to avoid being implicated in any of his crimes. He can be careless though, and may overlook small details that hint at his guilt. He is also a disturbed person. Forch has a fascination with both arson and violence. He has a curiosity about what the insides of people look like and is willing to commit crimes such as kidnapping and torture to see for himself. He also has no qualms about killing anyone who witnesses his crimes, and is unwilling to show any mercy to his victims.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Forch is a Twinborn, with access to both an Allomantic and a Feruchemical ability.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} Forch is a Coinshot, which allows him to Push on metal objects. He is a strong Allomancer, able to challenge Wax in strength. Since Forch lives in the Village, he cannot make use of his Allomancy openly, he is restricted to using it privately and in emergency situations. This means that he is not very practiced in its use and can misjudge the force of his Pushes as well as how much he should brace himself. He also lacks finesse with Allomancy, making use of simple weapons like a metal bar used to crush his opponents. He is also a Brute which allows Forch to store strength in a pewtermind and tap it to grow stronger at a later time. Forch uses this typically in hand-to-hand fights, easily beating others with his enhanced strength. He also sometimes uses it with his Allomancy, throwing metal objects into places where he can conveniently Push on them.
== History ==
=== Legacy ===
Forch had a heavy impact on the future of the young Waxillium Ladrian.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} Wax's investigation of Forch's crime was some of the earliest investigative work Wax did in his life, and showed his skill at analytical thinking and solving crimes. Forch's death at Waxillium's hand also caused a rift between Wax and the Village. Despite the monstrosity of Forch's crimes, the people of the Village resented Wax for bringing violence into their home. Wax left the Village shortly afterward, leaving the new life he had begun there behind.
== Appearance and Personality ==
| I've just got to see what's inside. You know?
| Forch on his obsession{{book ref|mb6|prologue}}
Forch is a tall young man in his late teens.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} He almost never says anything and also rarely displays any sort of emotion. He has few friends of his own. Forch is a clever man though, capable of careful planning, such as establishing a false alibi in order to avoid being implicated in any of his crimes. He can be careless though, and may overlook small details that hint at his guilt. He is also a disturbed person. Forch has a fascination with both arson and violence. He has a curiosity about what the insides of people look like and is willing to commit crimes such as kidnapping and torture to see for himself. He also has no qualms about killing anyone who witnesses his crimes, and is unwilling to show any mercy to his victims.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Forch is a Twinborn, with access to both an Allomantic and a Feruchemical ability.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} Forch is a Coinshot, which allows him to Push on metal objects. He is a strong Allomancer, able to challenge Wax in strength. Since Forch lives in the Village, he cannot make use of his Allomancy openly, he is restricted to using it privately and in emergency situations. This means that he is not very practiced in its use and can misjudge the force of his Pushes as well as how much he should brace himself. He also lacks finesse with Allomancy, making use of simple weapons like a metal bar used to crush his opponents. He is also a Brute which allows Forch to store strength in a pewtermind and tap it to grow stronger at a later time. Forch uses this typically in hand-to-hand fights, easily beating others with his enhanced strength. He also sometimes uses it with his Allomancy, throwing metal objects into places where he can conveniently Push on them.
== Notes ==
Autopatrolled, Editors
