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'''Felt''' is a spy from [[Urteau]], [[Scadrial]].
He is described as lithe and short with a hawkish face and a drooping moustache.<ref>where?</ref>{{cite}}
He is one of the main spies for [[House Venture]]. He spies on [[Kelsier's crew]]'s hideout and reports to [[Elend]] that they are a [[skaa]] thieving crew.<ref>[[{{b|mb1}}|Mistborn chapter x]]</ref> Elend employs him again as a spy to monitor the river entrances to [[Luthadel]] during the [[Siege of Luthadel|siege]].<ref>[[{{b|mb2}}|TWoA chapter 42]]</ref>
He is one of the main spies for [[House Venture]].
He spies on [[Kelsier's crew]]'s hideout and reports to [[Elend]] that they are a [[skaa]] thieving crew.<ref>[[{{b|mb1}}|Mistborn chapter x]]</ref>
Elend employs him again as a spy to monitor the river entrances to [[Luthadel]] during the [[Siege of Luthadel|siege]].<ref>[[{{b|mb2}}|TWoA chapter 42]]</ref>
== OtherNotes ==
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