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As a plantation [[skaa]], he had watched Lord [[Devinshae]] rape and kill his girlfriend, [[Kareien]]. The following evening, Dockson escaped from the plantation.{{book ref|mb1|22}}
Instead, heHe is responsible for keeping the crew operational, demonstrating aptitude for organization and administration. Most often he tries to direct [[Kelsier]] and the others but allows himself to joke with the other members from time to time. He is quite diligent in his duties to ensure the crew has everything they need and itto remainsremain functioning and is sometimes quite stern.
After Kelsier's death, however, his mirth vanishes. Despite this, his role as administrator never falters. He does not get along with [[Elend]] since he thinks Kelsier wouldn't approve of Elend ruling, and his own conscious desire to distance himself from a truth about himself present in Elend: Admittingadmitting to himself that Elend feels guilty for the acts of the nobility would mean Dox has to confront his own atrocities towards the nobility.
During a scene where [[Vin]] is trying to determine if Dockson is the spy, he discloses to her more of himself that shows his regret for the way he's become. He feels he is a man who has gotten what he wanted, but realizes he shouldn't have desired it so badly.{{annotation ref|mb2|chapter=33}}
Dockson meets his death with a sword in hand, during the [[koloss]] invasion in [[The Well of Ascension]]. Seeing his impending end, he offers himself a little redemption and remarks that had things been different, -- had they turned on the nobility as he had wanted to in [[The Final Empire]], -- then he and others would be no better than beasts. He believes that they had done the right thing after all.{{annotation ref|mb2|chapter=53}}{{book ref|mb2|53}}
== Notes ==