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371 bytes added ,  1 year ago
Design had a conversation with Hoid in Elhokar's old palace before Hoid confronted Odium. She argued with Hoid about Lightweaving. She went away with some corrupted [[windspren]] when Hoid told her to bother someone else. She was not present when Hoid confronted the new Odium. When Hoid repeated his performance after confronting Odium, he had forgotten that Design already left.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}
Eventually, she and Hoid managed to escape Roshar and travel the cosmere, with some difficulty. They came to the planet of Komashi, where she set up a successful noodle shop called the [[Noodle Pupil]], while Hoid remained in a state of stasis.{{book ref|yumi|6}}{{book ref|yumi|21}}
She developed a cordial relationship with [[Painter]], who frequented her restaurant.{{book ref|yumi|6}} Later, she came to help him and [[Yumi]] with their predicament, and educated them on basic [[Realmatic theory]] to help explain to them what was happening.{{book ref|yumi|17}}{{book ref|yumi|21}}
== Notes ==
