Difference between revisions of "Cytoverse"

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m (Using class=wikitable makes this look a bit nicer and I'm not aware of any reason this would need to be an infobox. This also matches to the revisions I'm working on for the cosmere page. I agree however, that {{row}} doesn't need to be used, rowspan is unnecessary since they're all 1, and linking the series was a good idea.)
The universe is comprised of two connected realities -- our own and '''nowhere''', an interdimensional "world" with strange relation to time and space. Little is known of nowhere's appearance, though it is home to a type of beings called [[delver]]s, as well as a mineral called the [[acclivity stone]].{{book ref|sky2|25}} Regular rules of physics do not apply there completely, and everything to come from nowhere possesses extraordinary properties. The best-known among them is acclivity stone, which is used to counteract gravity and thus provide lift to all spaceships and space stations.{{book ref|sky2|7}}
The easiest way for most people to enter nowhere is through a '''nowhere portal''', a stable wormhole leading to it and back. Such portals can be found on many worlds, and though the markings on them indicate that they were made rather than arising naturally, it's unknown who created them. The portals let both people and equipment to be taken through, which allows for mining [[acclitivityacclivity stone]].{{book ref|sky2|25}}
=== Cytonics ===