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(Added basic physical characteristics section. Needs expansion. Changed "no shard is in the system" to "no Shard is currently in the system", as Brandon seemed to word himself pretty specifically. I feel it is implied that there was once a Shard there from his wording. Capitalized Chorus.)
No Shard currently resides in the system.{{wob ref|15602}}
== Geography ==
== Physical Characteristics ==
Canticle is around 161 km in radius, or around 0.025 cosmere standard, though it has an extremely large and dense Invested iron core. This iron core increases its mass enough so that it has a gravity of around 0.7g.{{cite}}{{ref|group=fn|text=This would make for a mass of approximately 2.66 * 10<sup>21</sup> (0.000446 Earth), and an extreme density of 152.51 g/cm<sup>3</sup> (27.68 Earth), this is substantially denser than the average planetary core (9.9-12.2 g/cm<sup>3</sup>), and thus suggests an unnatural origin.}}
The geography of the planet constantly changes due to the stone melting from the intense heat from the sun and the radiation of its Invested core.{{cite}}
== Culture ==
The natives on Canticle are primarily visitors from [[Threnody]] that departed for the planet soon after the [[Evil]] attacked their ancestors, as such a great deal of Threnody cultural norms persist on Canticle.{{book ref|tsm|15}} The majority of its populace lives on dispirate cities scattered across the planet,{{cite}} these cities are made out of smaller ships that can link togther.{{book ref|tsm|3}} These groups then live in 'corridors' that are different longitudes across the planets surface.{{book ref|tsm|15}}
== Trivia ==