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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Bornwater''' was the largest mining town in [[Bavland]] on [[Roshar]].{{book ref|b|sa1|i|6}}
Because of it's location in [[Jah Keved]], Bornwater is a town of [[Vorin]] descent though much more lax in its social decorum, with women often leaving their safehand exposed as a provacative and flirty means.{{book ref|b|sa1|i|6}}
Bornwater, while under the purview of its local landlord who resides in Kneespike, is most likely largely ignored by [[Jah Keved]] similar to most places in [[Bavland]].
Protection from [[Highstorm]]s is provided for the town in that the whole of it was built in a lait, the large cliffside to the east. However, it seems that the architecture still follows the cultural tendencies, with long flat roofs that sloped gently to the east. Remarked upon by [[Szeth]] as being unnecessary in a lait.{{book ref|b|sa1|i|6}}
The most curious thing about Bornwater is that it is the first and only location so far in [[The Way of Kings]] that uses both soil and stone as building material. Soil is extremely rare outside of [[Shinovar]], so most of Roshar relies solely on stone.{{book ref|b|sa1|i|6}}
== Notes ==