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Beld also serves as a member of the [[King's Guard]], protecting King [[Elhokar]].{{book ref|wor|31}} During [[Szeth]]'s first attempt on [[Dalinar]]'s life at the [[Pinnacle]], Captain [[Kaladin]] sends Beld and [[Hobber]] ahead of the main group as an advanced guard. Beld is run through by Szeth's [[Honorblade]] and is killed instantly.{{book ref|wor|32}}
[[Kaladin]] remembers him, [[Jaks]], [[Malop]], [[Pedin]], [[Rod (Roshar)|Rod]], [[Mart]], [[Goshel]], [[Nalma]], [[Dallet]] and the squad, and [[Tien]] while trying to say the Fourth [[Immortal Words|Ideal]] of the [[Windrunners]].{{book ref|sa3|118}}
== Notes ==