Difference between revisions of "Autonomy"

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Autonomy wants to remain alone; she does not wish to be corrupted by other Shards and thinks that all Shards are better off on their own.{{wob ref|9608}} She strives to become the most powerful, most untouchable Shard; to achieve this, she spreads her influence throughout the cosmere.{{book ref|mb7|20}} For her followers, she seeks those who are capable of surviving on their own and defying the odds.{{book ref|mb7|19}} Her philosophy is very much focused on the survivlsurvival of the fittest. Under Autonomy's world order, one must earn their right to keep existing.{{book ref|mb7|65}}
However, this doesn't stop Autonomy from meddling in affairs of others.{{au ref|Taldain}} On the micro scale, she dictates how exactly people are allowed to express their individualism, requring that each of them fit in her major plan in the way she, rather than they, have decided.{{book ref|mb7|20}} On the macro scale, she often intervenes with her fellow Shards, up to and including indirectly attacking them and plotting invasions of their worlds.{{book ref|mb7|19}}{{book ref|mb7|35}}
