Difference between revisions of "Autonomy"

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(Moving a section to where I feel it fits better)
BavadinAutonomy seems to have mastered control over [[perpendicularity|perpendicularities]]. She has barred access to [[Taldain]] through the [[Cognitive Realm]], locking any native worldhoppers out of their own homeland.{{au ref|Taldain}} On other worlds, she has shown the ability to create artificial, temporary perpendicularities; the methods by which she does so are unknown to cosmere scholars and appear to break the known laws of [[Realmatic Theory]].{{book ref|mb7|50}}
However, unlike natural perpendicularities, the portals created by Autonomy have strict constraints, requiring specific time and place to form. What affects those conditions is unclear, though it appears that large quantities of Invested individuals and liquid Investiture are key aspects. Whatever the case may be, those constraints means that for BavadinAutonomy to use the portals effectively, she requires a great deal of coordination and timing.{{book ref|mb7|59}} Additionally, once made, those perpedicularities can be destroyed by spending the Investiture they are comprised of; a small group of [[Allomancer]]s can destroy a portal over the course of several minutes.{{book ref|mb7|64}}
== History ==
