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{{image|Alethkar Color.jpg|side=right|width=300px|Map of Alethkar. Alethi territories (barring the [[Shattered Plains]]) are marked in purple.}}
=== BordersTerritories and TerritoriesFeatures ===
==== Territories ====
Alethkar lies in eastern [[Roshar]], stretching across the entire continent, from the [[Steamwater Ocean]] in the North to the [[Tarat Sea]] in the South-West. To the East, it leans on the [[Unclaimed Hills]], while to the South, it reaches the nationless [[Frostlands]] and the [[Shattered Plains]], the latter of which it has recently claimed for itself. To the West, Alethkar has a long and long-disputed border with [[Jah Keved]], which currently follows two rivers and the bend of the [[Sunmaker Mountains]]. To the North-West, Alethkar borders [[Herdaz]] across a stretch of land decided through many years of border conflicts.{{map ref|Roshar}}{{book ref|sa3|52}}
ItAt hasthe tail end of the [[Era of Solitude]], Alethkar is the largest state on Roshar, covering an area around 7,134,000 km<sup>2</sup>.{{17s ref|blog|634-roshar-physical-characteristics-and-areas|text=Roshar Physical Characteristics And Areas|date=2018-08-30|name=RosharAreas}}
Besides the mainland, the Alethi have a number of territories off the coast. On the [[Steamwater Ocean]], Alethkar has [[Akak]] and a number of surrounding islands, giving it complete control over the [[Bay of Elibath]]. On the [[Tarat Sea]] - more specifically, a region of it called [[Mevan Bay]] - it controls a number of small islands in the delta of [[Deathbend River]], near the city of [[Karanak]].{{map ref|Alethkar}}
==== InteriorGeographic Features ====
At the tail end of the [[Era of Solitude]], Alethkar is the largest state on Roshar, covering around seven million square kilometers of land.{{ref|name=RosharAreas}} Despite the fact that it is far more exposed to the [[highstorm]]s than any country further West, large swathes of it are lush with animals and vegetation.{{book ref|sa3|5}} It has numerous rivers crossing it, the two major ones being [[Windrunner River|Windrunner]] and [[Deathbend River|Deathbend]]. The Windrunner River runs East to West, from the Unclaimed Hills to the Bay of Elibath, and has numerous tributaries across the northern half of the country. The Deathbend River likewise starts in the Unclaimed Hills, though it turns South, ultimately ending in the Mevan Bay, with one of its major tributaries being an enormous lake called the [[Sea of Spears]]. The North and South of Alethkar are divided by a long, cross-shaped masiff called the [[Sunmaker Mountains]].{{map ref|Alethkar}}
=== Climate ===
Due to how far east it is, Alethkar is buffeted by particularly heavy highstorms. This forces settlements to primarily be built on the leeward sides of laits.{{book ref|sa1|16}}{{cite}} These leeward sides are also far more lush with plant life, due to the protection the liats provide from powerful highstorm winds.{{file ref|Lait.jpeg|Lait study}}
Like the rest of Roshar, Alethkar does not experience true seasons, with them instead being defined by current temperature, climate, and storms, unrelated to irradiance.{{wob ref|11448}} The Alethi utilise stormwardens to predict the coming of seasons.{{book ref|sa1|22}} The shattered plains experience a moister climate than the rest of Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|23}} Clouds are also less frequent in this region.{{book ref|sa3|58}}
=== Ecology ===
==== Flora ====
Despite the fact that Alethkar is far more exposed to the [[highstorm]]s than any country further West, large swathes of it are lush with animals and vegetation.{{book ref|sa3|5}} The flora one finds depends heavily on the region of Alethkar. In the northwest, common flora includes thickets of [[snarlbrush]], stout [[markel]] trees and [[stumpweight]] trees.{{book ref|sa1|31}} Some forests are made up of purely [[vivim]] trees, which bind their branches together to ensure that the forest is almost impenetrable.{{book ref|sa3|10}} In some areas of Alethkar rockbuds can grow nearly to the size of a barrel, with vines as thick as a human wrist;{{book ref|sa3|5}} Alethkar also contains many fragile types of flora, such as vines and weeds, these species usually only grow in laits. Due to the moister climate of the shattered plains, plants here have a tendency not to pull into their shells as swiftly after a storm as in the rest of Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|23}}
The Alethi also cultivate many plants. Foremost among these plants, a staple in the diet of any Alethi, is [[Lavis]].{{book ref|sa1|16}} There are many different strains of Lavis, some are capable of withstanding even the strongest highstorms while others are extremely nutritious.{{book ref|sa2|55}}{{book ref|sa1|4}} They also cultivate [[Tallew]], among many other types rockbuds,{{book ref|sa3|10}} and tubers.{{book ref|sa1|54}} The Alethi also grow a wide variety of fruits, typically in large orchards. Some species of trees are cultivated to be much taller and leafier than usual in order to provide more shade.{{book ref|sa1|63}} A large number of grown plants are for their purposes then eating, such as clothing, medicine and more.
==== Fauna ====
Alethkar also has a large variety of fauna. Large wild Fauna includes [[Whitespine]]s,{{book ref|sa1|44}} [[Chull]]s,{{book ref|sa1|45}} [[axehound]]s{{book ref|sa1|45}} and more. Alethkar is also home to multiple herds of [[Ryshadium]], which live mostly in the eastern part of the country.{{book ref|sa3|26}} [[Diggerworm]]s are also common in Alethkar, and much work goes into protecting crops from them.{{book ref|sa1|10}} Another common species found across Alethkar is the [[lurg]], a small amphibian.{{book ref|sa1|16}} Alethkar isn’t home to any [[sarpenthyn]], but [[skyeel]]s are common near the coast.{{book ref|sa2|55}}{{book ref|sa2|40}}
The Alethi have also domesticated a wide range of animals. While most of them live as farmers, occasionally keeping animals alongside their plants, some Alethi also live as herdsmen.{{book ref|sa3|10}}{{book ref|sa1|1}} Domesticated fauna includes [[lobberbeast]]s, a large grazing animal;{{book ref|sa4|15}} pigs, which are kept for meat, leather, and milk;{{book ref|sa3|10}}{{book ref|sa3|5}}{{wob ref|2778}} [[gumfrem]]s, which are usually kept for their [[gemheart]]s;{{book ref|sa3|10}} and chulls, which are used as beasts of burden.{{book ref|sa1|46}} Besides these large pastoral animals the Alethi also keep a number of animals as pets, such as [[axehound]]s, some birds, and mink.{{book ref|sa1|45}}
=== Notable cities ===
* [[Rathalas]] - ruined city once known for being constructed in a massive canyon for safety. It was burned down by [[Dalinar Kholin]] following the rebellion of the local [[highprince]], [[Tanalan]].
* [[Revolar]] - one of the largest cities in the [[Vamah]] princedom. During the [[True Desolation]], it's taken over by the [[Voidbringer]]s and used as a major assembly point for their armies.
* [[Hearthstone]] - a large town in the [[Sadeas princedom]], and home of [[Kaladin Stormblessed]].
* [[Dumadari]] - a major city on the border of Alethkar and [[Jah Keved]].
*[[Karanak]] — a major city in the south of Alethkar, it is located near the delta of the [[Deathbend River]]. Karanak was a major part of the Alethi defense during the True Desolation.
== History ==
Its territory during this era was larger than its current territory, including the [[Unclaimed Hills]] in the Rosharan far east.{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}{{map ref|Roshar}}
Due to the Desolations, they were constantly returned back to early technological levels, often to the point to making use of stone tools. Though they advanced each time with the help of the Heralds whenever they returned, often helping them to enter into the bronze age, often receiving this assistance from [[Kalak]] and his [[Willshapers]].{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}}{{wob ref|1430}}{{wob ref|13779}}
Very early in the nation's history, the Dawncity of [[Kholinar]] was created and made into its capital.{{book ref|sa1|60}} It eventuallyKholinar was eventually made into the home of the Alethelan Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|87}} Despite its age, it still stands as of {{rosharan date|1175}}, making it one of the oldest cities on Roshar.
It was the place that many people wanted Urithiru to be built, likely due to Alethkar being the home to the Knight's Radiant. Despite this, for a reason obvious to many others at the time, it could not be, instead being built in the mountains near [[Makabakam]].{{epigraph ref|sa1|35}}
=== Equipment ===
==== Uniforms ====
Although uniforms differ between princedoms and even armies, most Alethi wear something very similar. Uniforms are usually coloured with the colours of their wearer’s highprince.{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|58}}{{book ref|sa3|116}}
Uniforms are generally comprised of stiff trousers, a jacket, which often comes down to the waist and sometimes buttons closed beneath the belt, a shirt and boots.{{book ref|sa2|2}}{{book ref|sa3|59}} Some traditional generals still outfit their soldiers with [[takama]]s instead of trousers.{{book ref|sa2|52}} Uniforms, both the ones owned common soldiers and the ones owned by high ranking lighteyed officers, always have a patch to indicate the duty and unit of the wearer.{{book ref|sa2|2}} Uniforms also always have their Highprince’s glyphpair displayed prominently, both on the back and the breast.{{book ref|sa1|18}} Some men choose to further personalize their uniforms by adding embrodiery or colourful scarfs.{{book ref|sa2|44}} When it rains soldiers may choose to wear a stormcoat over their uniform, and there are often umbrellas ready for officers.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
An officer’s uniform is usually comprised of a waistcoat and a double breasted longcoat, sometimes decorated with precious metals, although never with embroidery. These longcoats, called officer’s coats, are approximately waistlength and are supposed to hang unbuttoned.{{book ref|sa1|22}}{{book ref|sa2|2}} Recruits wear a patch, appropriately called a recruit’s patch, to signify their rank.{{book ref|sa2|24}} Army surgeons wear white clothing.{{book ref|sa1|47}} Messenger women often wear travelling dresses of a particular fashion. These dresses have the front and back slit open, all the way to the waist, to allow for greater mobility.{{book ref|sa2|76}} They, and likely messenger boys as well, also wear something called a runner’s sash.{{book ref|sa2|81}}
Officers are distinguished by knots on a cord across the epaulette, with the amount of knots and their colour signifying their military rank, and their rank in the Alethi caste system.{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|17}}{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|47}}{{book ref|sa1|58}}{{book ref|sa1|67}} White knots indicate a citizen officer, that is a sergeant or squadleader;{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|46}} red knots indicate an officer of seventh dahn;{{book ref|sa1|46}} and gold knots indicate second or third dahn;{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa1|46}} It can also distinguish between low captain,{{book ref|sa1|67}} captain,{{book ref|sa2|25}}{{book ref|sa3|83}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} captainlord,{{book ref|sa3|63}} lieutenant,{{book ref|sa3|i|14}} sergeant,{{book ref|sa3|6}} and battalionlord.{{book ref|sa4|40}} Soldiers without authority bear no knots.{{book ref|sa1|17}}{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|67}}{{book ref|sa4|23}}
==== Warcamps ====
How a warcamp is organised and run depends greatly on the highprince. Some camps are organised and patrolled while others are chaotic and almost lawless.{{book ref|sa2|5}} Alethi warcamps are generally circular, with the camp followers in a ring on the outside, the mercenaries, if there are any, in a ring next to them, the citizen soldiers in the middle and the lighteyes in the very center.{{book ref|sa1|4}} Inside these rings the barracks, which are placed in rows, are arranged into circular patterns, with a meeting ground and a mess hall at the center of each battalion.{{book ref|sa1|26}} Barracks are often painted with the symbols of the platoons using them.{{book ref|sa2|2}} Some warcamps have wooden scouting towers, these towers are designed to be portable and mobile.{{book ref|sa3|26}} Many warcamps have a market, which is located in the camp followers' part of the camp. Most warcamps also have a number of barracks that allow for families, or married soldiers can rent a place in the market.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
The Alethi use latrines to collect their waste. These latrines are made up of a long sloping trough, which is covered with oiled and tarred wooden boards to seal in the scent, and a latrine house, which is always located on the high end of the latrine. The contents of these latrines are soulcast to smoke once every few months.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
Some warcamps have a building called a ‘warcenter’. This building, often made of wood, serves as the home of the general or high officer while on campaign. Warcenters are luxurious, decorated with trophies, rugs and more. Most warcenters are constructed of dozens of sturdy sections, which can be attached and deattached whenever the officer likes. These wooden parts are transported individually by [[chull]]s.{{book ref|sa1|51}}
=== Training ===
The way soldiers are trained depends on the Princedomprincedom they’re from. In at least some princedoms it is seen as the squadleader’s or sergeant’s task to train new recruits. In the [[Sadeas princedom]], squadleaders are given six weeks to train a new batchcohort of recruits.{{book ref|sa1|49}} The Alethi are excellent soldiers, each individual is far better at single combat then any given Azish or Veden soldier. Besides their skill in combat, soldiers are usually trained in one or two additional skills, e.g. horse grooms.{{book ref|twok|28}} Soldiers are also trained to give a proper salute, which includes moving a hand to your breast.{{Book ref|sa2|75}}
Soldiers are trained in a specific order. Firstly, spearmen are taught a proper stance, only after that do they get trained in fighting. The first stance they learn is called the ‘elementary forward spear stance’. It takes about a week to learn the proper stances, although this is worth it as men who have learned the stances become better at fighting far quicker then those who don’t know the stances. After the second or third day of practice the men begin with resetting exercises, these exercises are meant to teach someone to revert to the proper stance without thinking.{book ref|sa1|49}} Sometime after this the recruits are taught how to move to avoid arrows, light on their feet and erratic, and a number of grappling moves.{{book ref|sa1|53}}
The ‘close order’ drill is an essential exercise to an army’s performance, although few outside the military appreciate its importance. There is also a drill called the ‘extended order’ drill, sometimes called the ‘extended combat’ drill, this drill focuses on practicing formations and movements used on the battlefield.{{book ref|sa1|28}}
==== Kata ====
The Alethi make use of a number of exercises called katas. A kata is meant to work the muscles, as well as practice basic stances and attacks. Katas are not meant to be practical; they are usually a lot more showier then useful. There is genuine skill required to properly perform a kata however, this skill is usually seen back in the speed, grace and smoothness of a kata.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Some people practice katas to calm themselves and relax.{{book ref|sa3|93}} There are both spear and sword katas, and likely for other weapons as well.{{book ref|sa1|27}}{{book ref|sa3|93}}
==== Shardbearer training ====
In most cases, lighteyed boys of appropriate rank around the age of ten are chosen by an ardent swordmaster for training.{{book ref|sa2|16}} These boys typically already have at least some training with the sword. The swordmaster teaches them the ten [[Stances|Shardblade Stances]] and familiarity with plate.{{book ref|sa2|44}} They train with Blades in two ways. If the trainee has no Blade of his own, they can make use of wooden practice swords that approximate the balance and weight of a real Blade. They may also borrow one of the King's Blades.{{book ref|sa2|16}} This tradition is one of the reasons the Alethi have the best trained Shardbearers on Roshar. Whenever a Shardbearer is killed or dies, there is always someone prepared to bond their Blade and use it right away. A swordmaster also coaches their student on how to control the Blade with their mind, commanding it to remain in place so it can be loaned to others.{{book ref|sa2|35}}
==== Training grounds ====
The Alethi soldiers train in specially designated buildings called training grounds. These buildings are split between those built for lighteyes and those built for darkeyes, although there is little difference between the actual buildings. The training grounds, or at least some of them, are run by [[Vorinism#priesthood|ardents]]. Training grounds all look fairly similar. They almost all have an open courtyard in the center, which is filled with a thick layer of sand. Bordering this courtyard is a raised walkway, which separates the courtyard from an outer building. This outer building wraps around most of the complex, leaving only the front open, which has a gate to enter the courtyard. The outer building is usually only a single room deep. Most men come to these complexes to train, but some also come to seek enjoyment.{{book ref|sa2|16}}
{{image|Practice Grounds.jpg|side=right|width=300px|A lighteyed Shardbearer on the Alethi practice grounds{{book ref|sa2|16}}}}
==== Punishments ====
Not sure where to put these:
* Alethi farmers sell their grain to merchants for unfairly cheap, who then bring it to cities at an immense markup. (SA1-27) [Probably in the economy section]
== Economy ==
