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She has a quiet voice and her language sounds graceful to human ears. She speaks to Spensa in a rather enigmatic manner during their brief interaction, although she was severely injured at the time.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
== Abilities and Attributes ==
Alanik is the only UrDail cytonic.{{book ref|sky2|8}} She has more understanding of her abilities than Spensa, although she believes she still has much to learn.{{book ref|sky2|8}} She is able to sense other cytonics and determine their location, and she is able to hyperjump without the assistance of a [[taynix]].{{book ref|sky2|7}} She is able to reach out to other cytonics and speak to them psionically,{{book ref|sky2|5}} and she is also able to place the coordinates of Starsight directly into Spensa's mind.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
She is a relatively skilled pilot, as she manages to get through the Detritus defense systems with her ship "miraculously" in one piece.{{book ref|sky2|8}} Her ship is similar in size to M-Bot, and appears to be a long-range fighter equipped with [[destructor]]s and a light-lance turret.{{book ref|sky2|7}} M-Bot calls her ship "not very advanced", although he also looks down on DDF ships;{{book ref|sky1|43}} her ship's database contains a large amount of information about her people's history alongside planetary charts and her own mission log.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
She resembles a human with a few superficial differences, and her physiology is also fairly similar to a human's. Her body's circulatory, respiratory, and reproductive systems all seem to function like a human's, with small differences such as darker blood and breathing different gases.{{book ref|sky2|8}}{{book ref|sky2|16}} Her diet is also similar to that of a human.{{book ref|sky2|16}} Due to the former alliance between the UrDail and humans, she is able to speak Mandarin Chinese and a small amount of English;{{book ref|sky2|10}} the structure of her own language has some similarities to English, although the sounds are different and Spensa cannot understand any of it.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
After Spensa helped land the ship, she tried to give Alanik medical attention. Alanik was able to speak to Spensa using a translator pin, and told her about [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]]. She cytonically placed the coordinates of the station in Spensa's mind and told her not to trust the Superiority before falling unconscious. [[M-Bot]] was able to hack into her ship's relatively crude computer systems and was able to fill in the blanks regarding her planet and her mission.{{book ref|sky2|8}} Spensa quickly hatched a plan to disguise herself as Alanik and go to Starsight in her place in an attempt to steal a hyperdrive.{{book ref|sky2|8}} The DDF did not fully understand Alanik's medical needs and they simply monitored her as she remained unconscious for the duration of Spensa's mission.{{book ref|sky2|i|1}} The UrDail tried to contact her; Spensa attempted to explain the situation{{book ref|sky2|13}} but the UrDail were also in contact with Cuna and did not seem to know who to trust.{{book ref|sky2|33}}
==Abilities and Attributes==
Alanik is the only UrDail cytonic.{{book ref|sky2|8}} She has more understanding of her abilities than Spensa, although she believes she still has much to learn.{{book ref|sky2|8}} She is able to sense other cytonics and determine their location, and she is able to hyperjump without the assistance of a [[taynix]].{{book ref|sky2|7}} She is able to reach out to other cytonics and speak to them psionically,{{book ref|sky2|5}} and she is also able to place the coordinates of Starsight directly into Spensa's mind.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
She is a relatively skilled pilot, as she manages to get through the Detritus defense systems with her ship "miraculously" in one piece.{{book ref|sky2|8}} Her ship is similar in size to M-Bot, and appears to be a long-range fighter equipped with [[destructor]]s and a light-lance turret.{{book ref|sky2|7}} M-Bot calls her ship "not very advanced", although he also looks down on DDF ships;{{book ref|sky1|43}} her ship's database contains a large amount of information about her people's history alongside planetary charts and her own mission log.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
She resembles a human with a few superficial differences, and her physiology is also fairly similar to a human's. Her body's circulatory, respiratory, and reproductive systems all seem to function like a human's, with small differences such as darker blood and breathing different gases.{{book ref|sky2|8}}{{book ref|sky2|16}} Her diet is also similar to that of a human.{{book ref|sky2|16}} Due to the former alliance between the UrDail and humans, she is able to speak Mandarin Chinese and a small amount of English;{{book ref|sky2|10}} the structure of her own language has some similarities to English, although the sounds are different and Spensa cannot understand any of it.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
== Notes ==