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(general expansion, added their weakness to silver, and the connection between Aetherbounds having their water used up to expand their Aether, and the Aether Spores expanding upon interacting with water.)
Aethers are an ancient variety of [[Investiture|Invested]] entities present in the [[cosmere]].{{book ref|mb7|39}} They originate on an unrevealed planet where the twelve primal aethers reside, although the aethers have since spread to other worlds of the cosmere.{{book ref|tlm|51}}{{wob ref|15136}} Those who are bonded to one of the twelve primal aethers and are able to manifest that aether are known as '''aetherbound'''.{{book ref|mb7|40}}{{book ref|mb7|42}} Aethers have existed since prior to the Shattering of Adonalsium, and some believe that they predate Adonalsium itself or are totally independent from its creations.{{book ref|mb7|42}}{{wob ref|15933}}
All forms of Aether seem to be killed by silver, turning grey and losing their reactivity when they touch it.{{book ref|tress|1}}{{book ref|tress|10}} The substance they produce upon expanding also grows grey and dies when coming into contact with silver.{{book ref|tress|11}}
== Culture and Mythology ==
'''Aetherbound''' are the Invested servants of the primal aethers. They are Connected to one of the twelve aethers and granted a bud of that aether’s core. The bud at least sometimes appears as a physical change to the body of the person that corresponds with the aether they have bonded.{{book ref|mb7|42}} Unlike other bonds like between spren and Radiant, each aetherbound is not Connected to their own individual aether.{{wob ref|15429}} Instead they are all bound to the same primal aether; for instance all roseite aetherbound have a bud from Silajana.{{book ref|mb7|42}}
An aetherbound can grow and manipulate that same type of aether from their bodies.{{book ref|mb7|39}} They are capable of controlling the size, shape, and behavior of the aethers they produce, within certain constraints.{{book ref|mb7|39}} This process requires water drawn from the aetherbound's body to facilitate the growth of the aether.{{book ref|mb7|42}} The larger the mass, the more water will be required.{{book ref|mb7|51}} TheThis manipulationseems ofto aethersbe byconnected the aetherbound is mostly constrained byto the sizemanner ofin thewhich aetherAether andspores theirviolently abilityexpand toupon visualizeinteraction clearlywith what they want to producewater.{{book It takes skill and talent to produce complex mechanisms, such as producing a functional gun out of roseite.ref|tress|1}}{{book ref|mb7tress|4210}}
The manipulation of aethers by the aetherbound is mostly constrained by the size of the aether and their ability to visualize clearly what they want to produce. It takes skill and talent to produce complex mechanisms, such as producing a functional gun out of roseite.{{book ref|mb7|42}}
When an aether is manifested in the Physical Realm, it can only persist if it is present in certain fields of Investiture. If these fields are not present, the aether will be dependent on physical contact with the aetherbound’s body to sustain itself. Without that contact, the aether will degrade and eventually vanish. More localized external sources of Investiture can also be set up for the aether to feed upon instead, which will allow the aether to persist without physical contact with an aetherbound.{{book ref|mb7|42}} Rather than relying on water for fuel, pure Investiture can be substituted for water, allowing an aetherbound to perform more dramatic feats than would be normally possible.{{book ref|mb7|51}} They are also always in contact with the primal aether that granted them their bud.{{book ref|mb7|47}} The primal aethers are able to speak into the minds of their aetherbound, offering wisdom, encouragement, and knowledge.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|1}} Additionally, the primal aether may be able to perceive areas where their aether is present. For instance a roseite aetherbound might grow their aether over a wall and the primal aether could describe to them what is present on the other side.{{book ref|mb7|44}}{{book ref|mb7|47}}