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→‎In Kezare: changed quotes to sidequotes and fixed tenses
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m (→‎In Kezare: changed quotes to sidequotes and fixed tenses)
=== In Kezare ===
After an eventful journey during which they were attacked by [[Kerztian]] assassins, they arrivearrived in Kezare. Kenton and the group then partparted ways, Kenton heading to the Diem, and Acron and the rest of the group going to the Darksider quarter, [[Lonzare]]. Acron pickspicked up a trinket, a Kerztian headband, while passing through the market.{{book ref|ws1|3}} Later he comescame to Khriss while she iswas alone to try to make her suspicious of Baon.{{book ref|ws2|2}} Soon after Khriss confrontsconfronted Baon, who admitsadmitted to have been working for the [[Dynasty]] and leavesleft the group.{{book ref|ws2|6}}
| I'm no Baon, my lady. I'm ill-equipped for such heavy physical labor.
| Jon Acron to Khriss.{{book ref|ws3|2}}1}}
When they movemoved into the [[Diem]] Acron carriescarried Khriss' suitcase and she admonishesadmonished him for not being careful with it. To which he replies:
In the conversation that followed, Acron laughed off the possibility that either he or Cynder could also betray Khriss, calling it preposterous.
When they move into the [[Diem]] Acron carries Khriss' suitcase and she admonishes him for not being careful with it. To which he replies:
| Yes, for safekeeping. Which is to say your safekeeping. But Cynder can be such a cack-handed oaf that I thought it best if I... bring it.
| I'm no Baon, my lady. I'm ill-equipped for such heavy physical labor.
| Jon Acron to Khriss.{{book ref|ws3|1}}2}}
In the conversation that follows, Acron laughs off the possibility that either he or Cynder could also betray Khriss, calling it preposterous. Afterwards Khriss gives [[Gevin]]s pistol, which she received from [[Nilto]], to Cynder to use to guard her since Baon is no longer around to do so. Later when Khriss and Kenton get attacked in the restaurant, Acron uses the pistol Khriss gave Cynder to save her life. Afterwards when Khriss confronts him asking why he has the gun and not Cynder he claims to have taken it from Cynder for her safekeeping:
In the conversation that follows, Acron laughs off the possibility that either he or Cynder could also betray Khriss, calling it preposterous. Afterwards Khriss givesgave [[Gevin]]s pistol, which she had received from [[Nilto]], to Cynder to use to guard her since Baon iswas no longer around to do so. Later when Khriss and Kenton getwere attacked in the restaurant, Acron usesused the pistol Khriss gavehad given Cynder to save her life. Afterwards when Khriss confrontsconfronted him, asking why he hashad the gun and not Cynder, he claimsclaimed to have taken it from Cynder for her safekeeping:.
| Yes, for safekeeping. Which is to say your safekeeping. But Cynder can be such a cack-handed oaf that I thought it best if I... bring it.
| Jon Acron to Khriss.{{book ref|ws3|2}}}}
Afterwards he seems to be in a state of shock, and [[Aarik]] tries to comfort him. But when Khriss goes off with [[N'Teese]] to see Nilto, Acron stammers a mumbled excuse and runs after her. Aarik notes that it was an oddly quick recovery.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
Afterwards he seemsseemed to be in a state of shock, and [[Aarik]] triestried to comfort him. But when Khriss goeswent off with [[N'Teese]] to see Nilto, Acron stammersstammered a mumbled excuse and runsran after her. Aarik notesnoted that it was an oddly quick recovery.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
Later, when Khriss confronts Nilto at the docks and reveals him to be Gevin, Acron pulls out a gun and tries to kill Gevin, revealing himself as an agent of the Dynasty on a mission to kill Gevin. Baon then reappears and pushes a crate of fruit onto Acron knocking him over. While Khriss and Baon are speaking Acron reaches out to the gun that was knocked from his hand and fires, grazing Baon on the arm and knocking him over. Khriss and Gevin scatter and Acron chases Khriss. When he catches up to her, Khriss uses a crane to knock Acron off the pier and to his death in the harbor.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
Later, when Khriss confrontsconfronted Nilto at the docks and revealsrevealed him to be Gevin, Acron pullspulled out a gun and triestried to kill Gevin, revealing himself as an agent of the Dynasty on a mission to kill Gevin. Baon then reappearsreappeared and pushespushed a crate of fruit onto Acron knocking him over. While Khriss and Baon arewere speaking, Acron reachesreached out to the gun that was knocked from his hand and firesfired it, grazing Baon on the arm and knocking him over. Khriss and Gevin scatterscattered and Acron chaseschased after Khriss. When he catchescaught up to her, Khriss usesused a crane to knock Acron off the pier and to his death in the harbor.{{book ref|ws3|2}}
== Quotes ==
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