Allomancer Jak

Joined 22 August 2017
Revision as of 21:44, 17 September 2017 by Allomancer Jak (talk | contribs)
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Allomancer Jak is a tineye best known for the accounts of his adventures, as seen in the broadsheets. His most recent adventure , Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania, involved some Koloss and the Survivor's lost treasure.

Okay, so that Allomancer Jak is not me. I'm just the guy who liked his name, and stole it for use in a really awesome community of like-minded fans.

My real name is Brandon, and I live in Arizona, in the United States. My favorite series is the Stormlight Archive, and my favorite novella is The Emperor's Soul.

I am also an aspiring writer, though I haven't written much yet, and none of it very good. One story I have considered writing involves a deep space explorer, from a world with no magic, stumbling across a shardworld. What a shock that would be!


I have a list of questions to ask Brandon Sanderson, should I ever just happen to run into him on the street. Or, you know, at a signing it con or something.

I also have a list of theories, which are certainly unconfirmed. I hope to confirm them (or at least add questions about them) at some point in the future.