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(Couple of chapters)
* [[Gak]]
Biblioden arrives at the tower in his glass blimp, disrupting the mushiness between Alcatraz and Bastille. Bastille gives Alcatraz a ride as she races up the Worldspire, with her sword in one hand, and Alcatraz clinging to her back. Arriving at a platform towards the top of the spire, they see Biblioden at the very tip, with the bloodforged Lens at the ready.
Alcatraz notes that Biblioden is doing something to the spire, when suddenly one of the many Librarians blocking the way trips in a perfect way, causing Bastille to stumble. Somehow the Librarians now had Talents due to Biblioden's actions at the tip. Having to fight their way through the Librarians, who now had the Talent to fight back. Struggling to defeat all the Librarians, Alcatraz breaks the Talents again, giving a little respite.
However, they still had many Librarians to get through, still very much armed and dangerous. In her peripheral vision, Bastille notices the Gak slithering up the stairs towards them.
== Chapter 17 ==
* [[Etna]] (mentioned only)
Bastille tries to distract the Librarians while the Gak still works its way up towards them. She tries to convince them that dropping her sword would be bad, though many don't believe her blatant lie.
Kaz ambles up out of nowhere, and he comes armed with kittens, a kittenpalooza some might say. Also arriving just in time is members of Alcatraz's family and the reformed Librarians. Some Librarians decided to risk the water rather than the arriving force, but others swept in to attack.
Bastille and Alcatraz rush to meet Biblioden at the tip of the spire. He notices their approach, and to the dread of all, starts to monologue. While this goes on, Bastille subtly moves towards Alcatraz and grabs Slantviewer's Lenses, putting them on her face. Biblioden decides to attack then with a pair of Concussor's Lenses, though somehow Bastille is able to use her Lenses to send the attack right back at him. Before she could strike a blow to end him, the Gak finally reaches them.
The Gak is not wanting to let them get away this time however, and refuses to engage fully in another pun battle about straw. Bastille comes up with an idea, she claims Alcatraz is a strawman, a man lacking substance and integrity. And as the Gak touched him, he touched straw and thus owes them. Quickly using this argument, Bastille gets the Gak to devour Biblioden, who fails to defend himself and is consumed. The Gak decides not to eat them as well, claiming it likes them and is having difficulty digesting an ancient Librarian.
== Chapter 18 ==
* [[Kazan Smedry]]
Bastille talks a bit about endings and how failure doesn't happen at the end of a story as the characters so often believe before they solve the problems. But this is a true story so it doesn't always work out that way, and that's what Bastille thought, before things started to get exciting.
Bastille picks up the bloodforged Lens, and starts to hear Attica's voice. Alcatraz doesn't believe her at first, but she gives him the Lens so he can hear Attica, who is now in a Lens. Attica claims it was all according to his plan, which is to release the power as it is too much for one family to manage. Every person must get access to the power, which will give everyone a Talent. However, due to it being diluted more because of being spread between more people, the Talent's will not be anywhere as near as powerful as they are for the Smedry's.
Alcatraz at his fathers insistence, uses the Lens against the spire, channeling his power through the Lens, breaking everyone in the world ever so slightly. The Lenses Bastille has now stop working, as the power gets diluted for them all. Alcatraz promptly collapses against Bastille in tears.
== Chapter 19 ==
* [[Folsom Smedry]]
Now Bastille is able to explain how she is very patient. She did not do many things while they were up on the spire, including not stealing the bloodforged Lens to chew out Attica for his treatment of Alcatraz.
Nearby an airship neared the spire, and a ramp descended which Shasta was able to step onto. The reformed Librarians organized the remainder of the kittens that had been used in the attack. Descending to meet their friends and family, they give a quick run through of what they had just accomplished, and are surprised to hear Attica is still alive, though stuck in a Lens. Shasta plans to take over leadership in the Hushlands now that Attica has achieved his goal, though keeping them in the dark despite what had transpired.
Shasta offers to take Alcatraz with her, but he refuses, insisting he has never belonged in the Hushlands and never will. Draulin comes over to hug Bastille, weirding her out, though she did like it.
Getting a moment together, Bastille can see she no longer can use them, with the power issues being resolved. She is not upset however, feeling lucky that she did get to touch it at least once. Alcatraz uses the Slantviewer's Lenses to see what his grandpa thinks of him, and tears come to his eyes and he insists his grandfather is wrong, though Bastille disagrees with him.
== Epilogue ==
* [[Kazan Smedry]] (mentioned only)
Many years later, Bastille and Alcatraz get married. Despite what the readers may have wanted, they were still kids when this all happened so of course they didn't get married for years. They got married in Nalhalla, and while a congo line ran around the castle, Bastille met up with Alcatraz on a balcony.
Attica was never freed from the Lens, though was still at the party, and Alcatraz dodges his publisher, who wants the end of his story. Bastille offers to write the end however, and Alcatraz is grateful for this. He also points her attention to the railing, which has started to crumble, something he hadn't caused this time. Bastille had now gained his Talent of breaking because of marrying him, something that would cause many arguments between them in the years to come.
== Bastille's Afterword ==
Bastille insists Alcatraz is a hero, as the story will show. Though he obviously is not perfect, but no hero is. She explains how some things never got resolved, like Attica being stuck in the Lens, or Alcatraz's strained relationship with his mother.
== Alcatraz's Afterword ==
Alcatraz ends up writing a piece of this book, after bullying from Bastille. He still claims to be a coward, though he does acknowledge he sometimes does good and can do heroic things; he did save the world after all.
== Notes ==