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m (→‎Notes: partial)
Although Prince Rikers methad Alcatrazwritten thefictional daynovels about Alcatraz, camehe tomet Nalhallathe sincefamous disappearingSmedry tofor the Hushlandsfirst time when Alcatraz crashed his lunch party. He offered Alcatraz and co. a ride to the Royal Palace when Alcatraz was looking for Folsom and Himalaya, and tags along on their mission to stop Shasta Smedry from recovering a book the Royal Archives. He calls ahead, and discovers that Folsom and Himalaya are not at the Royal Palace, but at the Royal Gardens. After Picking up Folsom and Himalaya, he gives them a ride back to the Royal Archives. Despite being told that what Alcatraz and his friends were doing was dangerous, he insisted on coming with Alcatraz on his "adventure". Despite his original sense of enthusiasm, he quickly becomes bored, and discovered that Alcatraz's real adventures are actually rather boring. After the Royal Archives are switched by the librarians, Rikers was the first to recognize that the stairwell they were climbing up was the wrong one– It was made of wood rather than stone. He is the only one to be excited about being captured by the librarians. After they escape and make it back to Nalhalla, Rikers demands that the proceedings of a treaty between the Free Kingdoms and the librarians that would turn over Mokia to the librarians in return for peace be halted. After helping Alcatraz and friends Stopstop the treaty, he flees from the scene.
== Notes ==