Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
==== Tactics ====
The listeners’ warfare used to be highly ritualistic, with little to no actual combat and deaths.{{book ref|sa4|68}} They would only fight to capture one of the cities on the western edge of the Shattered Plains, any family that attacks for a different reason would immediately be shunned by the other families.{{book ref|sa4|45}} There were times where traditions were broken and battles turned into horrible massacres.{{book ref|sasa4|68}} Their tactics changed significantly during the [[War of Reckoning]], although some aspects of their original tactics remained. These changes were likely made by the listener general, [[Eshonai]].
The listeners would often attack shortly before or after a storm came.{{book ref|Sa4|45}}{{book ref|sa4|68}} They used drums to warn allies and enemies of an upcoming battle. The preparations for a battle would mostly be made up of where to put which warriors and what boasts to yell.{{book ref|sa4|45}} These battles often started with the participants yelling boasts, insults and challenges at each other. After that both families would take turns throwing spears at each other, when someone was hit their family might withdraw, but if they didn’t both sides would move on to close combat.{{book ref|sa4|68}}
