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'''Krell''' are a species of animal found on the island of [[Patji (island)|Patji]] on [[First of the Sun]].{{book ref|sixth}}
The krell's appearance is unknown. Their natural predators include [[nightmaw]]s, which huntedhunt them on land, and [[deepwalker]]s that attack them when they are near the shore. The creatures are likely herbivorous, feeding on oceanside weeds.{{book ref|sixth}}
The krell live together in herds and travel across the island on trails that they wear through the jungle.{{book ref|sixth}} They often sleep beneath the roosts of [[Aviar]] in order to hide their minds from predators, since many Aviar provide mental protection. However, some of their predators have learned that if they startle the Aviar away from their nests, they can again sense the minds of the krell.{{book ref|sixth}}