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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
}}{{update|book=sa3|40}}{{objective|date=2018-09}}{{for|Red (Scadrial)|the boatman in [[Elendel]]}}
'''Red''' is one of the deserters picked up by [[Shallan]] on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa2|24}}
'''Red''' is one of the deserters picked up by [[Shallan]] on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa2|24}} He left Highprince [[Sadeas]]'s army because he felt like it stopped being a war of retribution, and was a game for spheres for the [[lighteyes]].{{book ref|sa2|24}} Red likes to laugh, and gets a lot of Shallan's jokes.{{book ref|sa2|24}} He is a lanky [[Alethi]] man with a beard, and does not have red hair. In fact, it is unclear where he gets the nickname Red from. He is tall, but not too tall, more around average [[Alethi]] height. {{book ref|sa3|____}} He enjoys doing his work well, but also like to chat and sit around. Despite this, he does want to be helpful, and is often the first to be working.{{book ref|sa3|40}}
Red lived in Highprince [[Vamah]]'s princedom, in the city of [[Farcoast]], near [[Jah Keved]].{{book ref|sa2|24}} Highprince Vamah gave the call to arms to the citizens of Farcoast himself. Red joined the army with five of his friends to get revenge, but also because of the pressure. Every man of age in his area was signing up, so it almost marked you a coward not to have a recruit patch, according to Red.{{book ref|sa2|24}} After leaving the army Red no longer thinks of himself as a real soldier, even after joining Shallan's Guard, where he has an official uniform he will usually wear..{{book ref|sa3|40}}
Red makes an attempt at flirting with Veil, though gives up after not much time. Red is definitely a nice person, one that likes talking to people and making friends in general, going out drinking and gambling, though he does not like [[Horneater Lager]], as most sane Alethi don't.{{book ref|sa3|29}}{{book ref|sa3|40}} He is very cheerful, and even after he accepts Veil as a friend offers to let her have one of the drinks on his ration.{{book ref|sa3|40}} He likes Shallan the best out of the group, as he is the most friendly of them, being more friendly than [[Vathah]], [[Gaz]], or [[Shob]].{{book ref|sa3|29}} When [[Veil]] is talking about how annoying and strange Shallan is, Red does not join in on the conversation, while others do.{{book ref|sa3|40}} When Gaz is talking about his past as a bridge sergeant Red is encouraging him, saying that Gaz was the perfect sergeant. It is hard to tell if he is joking or not, but he seems to be, because he is smiling as he says this.{{book ref|sa3|40}}
== Urithiru ==
Red spends his time in Urithiru lounging around in the common room gambling with the other men of Shallan's Guard. He doesn't seem to do much, mostly left to his own devices while Shallan does other things. Despite this, he still has a good time, and doesn't complain about not doing anything, as he doesn't seem to think he is worthy of his role as the Honor Guard of a [[Knight Radiant]]. It is likely that he talks to the other soldiers in this common room, as he is a very nice, amiable person that is generally well liked. He also could avoid talking with them much, especially [[Kholin]] soldiers because of his insecurities about his job and role in the Tower.
Red is one of the three men chosen to learn from [[Ishnah]], who is a spy.{{book ref|sa3|44}} He is chosen along with Gaz and Vathah. He mostly was interested in learning to use knives, calling them deevy.{{book ref|sa3|44}} After learning that he will not be learning to use knives he doesn't seem too interested in learning. When training he is asked to close his eyes and describe the people in the tavern he is in. Instead of really doing this, he describes Gaz, calling him annoying, short and ugly, just to have some fun.{{book ref|sa3|44}} After this he starts to try, because he wants to do what he is supposed to and help Shallan. After a while he is seemingly very confused, though acts like he is not, just nodding and trying to do what he can.{{book ref|sa3|44}}
After being trained for a while Red is then chosen to go to [[Kholinar]] with another of Shallan's Guards, Vathah. He is chosen because of his training and because of Gaz and [[Kaladin]]'s relationship.{{book ref|sa3|61}} He does not seem to have complaints about going, though we don't see him and Shallan's interaction when he is asked to go. It is probable that he went without complaint, though he likely asked some questions, because of his eagerness to be helpful and do things, really anything he is asked to do. It is not described how he reacts to flying all the way to Kholinar, except that he is bundled up like everyone else.{{book ref|sa3|61}}
== Kholinar ==
The true purpose of bringing Red on the mission to Kholinar, as well as Vathah and Ishnah, is unknown to all but Shallan and King [[Elhokar]], who insisted that he come.{{book ref|sa3|61}} This reason is the fact that he has rudimentary training in espionage, and can hopefully help out with gathering information if necessary. Upon finding out that Veil and Shallan are the same person, he only laughs, as is chararistic of him.{{book ref|sa3|62}} After this he doesn't seem to do that much, also just lounging around and hanging out with Ishnah and Vathah, learning some more. He may occasionally go out with Veil on her expeditions into the city, but usually not.
In Kholinar he continues his learning, and is able to let Veil and Vathah know when they can attempt their heist and when to hide without others knowing.{{book ref|sa3|72}} When Veil is hit by a crossbow bolt, all he does is point out that the blood is staining her outfit, ignoring the fact that she was shot in the head and still perfectly fine.{{book ref|sa3|72}} This seems to be a coping method, and he doesn't say anything after this for the rest of the day, as he was quite shocked. After this he does still help on her other missions to steal food from people, and it doesn't seem to change his overall opinions of Shallan or Veil, only put him in shock.{{book ref|sa3|72}}
Red is left in Kholinar, along with Ishnah and Vathah.{{book ref|sa3|87}} He does not seem to be showing signs of being a [[Squire]] to Shallan, though it is possible. It is unknown what happens to him after Shallan leaves, hard to know what happens to any of them, but it is unlikely that he is dead. This is because the [[Parshmen]] that conquered are there to inhabit, not to massacre. They probably enslaved most of the population, moving them outside of the city and making them do tasks that used to be assigned to the Parshmen.
== Notes ==