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Originally coming from [[Luthadel]] he was the Prelan of the [[Canton of Resource]] in the [[Western Dominance]] and had his seat in [[Fadrex City]].
As the former king of the Dominance, [[Ashweather Cett]], left for the [[Siege of Luthadel]], Yomen seized the chance to appoint himself as the new king of the Western Dominance. He reintroduced the social structures under the [[Lord Ruler]], which did not encounter resistances,resistance because the people were used to it. He wore a diadem with an [[atium]] bead on it to show his power, and leadled people to believe he was [[Mistborn]]. He escaped an assassinationattempt to be spiked with a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike.
Some months before the [[Final Ascension]], [[Elend Venture]] moved the army of the [[New Empire]] to Fadrex City, which lead to the [[Siege of Fadrex City]]. The siege resulted in an alliance between Yomen and Venture.
== Attributes and Abilities ==
He was an [[atium]] [[mistingMisting]] and was able to see an attackers movements in advance whilst burning [[atium]], although this alone made him slightly clumsier than a [[mistborn]]Mistborn who would have access to pewter to maintain balance whilst dodging incoming attacks. {{book ref|mb3|44}} Although Yomen was largely a non-combatant, the discovery of an [[atium]] [[misting]]Misting leadled [[Elend]] to realiserealize that the [[Mistfallen]] were also [[atium]] mistings.Mistings, Aa previously unknown concept due to the Lord Ruler's suppression of knowledge regarding [[allomancy]].{{book ref|mb3|81}}
== Trivia ==