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|cover= Perfect State Cover Art.jpg
|cover-artist=J.P. Targete
|publisher= Dragonsteel Entertainment
|released= March 31, 2015
'''''Perfect State''''' is a non-[[cosmere]] novella by [[Brandon Sanderson]].{{bws ref|firefight-is-out-steelhunt-2015|Mention of Perfect State readings|date= Jan 6th, 2015}} {{bws ref|perfect-state|Perfect State|date=Mar 24th, 2015}}
== Publisher's Description ==
{{for|/Summary|a chapter by chapter summary}}
God-Emperor Kairominas is lord of all he surveys. He has defeated all foes, has united the entire world beneath his rule, and has mastered the arcane arts. He spends his time sparring with his nemesis, who keeps trying to invade Kai's world.
Forces have conspired to require him to meet with his equal—a woman from another world who has achieved just as much as he has. What happens when the most important man in the world is forced to have dinner with the most important woman in the world?
== Behind the Scenes ==
Brandon wrote the original draft of ''Perfect State'' in the summer of 2011. It went through his writing group during the late fall of 2012. Brandon then sat on it because there was something wrong with it but he could not tell what it was.{{cite|Chicago signing Feb 20 2015}} In December 2014 he revisited the story, revising it and expanding it over the course of a week.{{reddit ref|fantasy|2zs1wn|cpm38j5|date=Mar 21st 2015|text= Peter on ''Perfect State''.}}
''Perfect State'' will be bundled together with ''[[Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell]]'' in a hardcover edition for the 2015 Con Exclusive.{{reddit ref|fantasy|2zs1wn|cpmif23|date=Mar 22nd, 2015|text= Peter on the 2015 Con Exclusive.}}
== Awards ==
*/r/Fantasy Stabby Award for Best Short Fiction of 2015{{ref|name=stabby}}