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The bridges used by Torol Sadeas's army are typically eight feet wide and two feet thick, with supports on both sides extending its width to sixteen feet. They are also thirty feet long, and allowed one to set up 8 men per column and 5 men per row.{{file ref|Sadeas_bridges.jpg|Bridge Run Interior Art}}
While not on bridge runs, they are typically used as cheap manpower to preformperform undesirable duties at war camps, such as chasm or latrine duty.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
Not all highprinces made use of bridge crews, with Dalinar notably refusing to make direct use of them. He instead makes use of bridges on wheels, pulled by chulls. Due to being heavier and pulled by chulls instead of people, movement is significantly slower, but Dalinar makes use of it regardless as it results in a major reduction of casualties during plateau runs.{{book ref|sa1|26}}