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! The following text is a collection of the information about the Alethi military !
== Military ==
{| class="infobox side" style="width: 22em; float:right; font-size: 88%;"
!colspan='3' style="text-align:center; background:#cce" |'''Chain of command'''
! Unit
! Soldiers
! Typical Commander
| subsquad
| 6–8
| sergeant
| squad
| ~25
| squadleader
| platoon
| ~50
| captain/captainlord
| company
| ~100
| companylord
| battalion
| ~1000
| battalionlord
| division
| ~2000
| general
| army
| —
| highprince
|colspan='3' | <small>In companies made solely of lighteyes, the rank "lieutenant" is used as the equivalent of sergeant.</small>
The modern Alethi military is one of the strongest armed forces on Roshar with well over 100,000 troops{{book ref|sa1|6}} and over thirty [[Shardbearer]]s.{{book ref|sa2|5}} The army employs most of its troops as spearmen and archers, as well as a very small amount of cavalry due to the rarity of horses on Roshar;{{book ref|sa1|6}} only the officers wield swords because, according to Vorin traditions, the sword is regarded as a lighteyed's weapon.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} Soldiers are usually trained in one or two additional Skills, i.e. horse grooms.{{book ref|twok|28}} Under most circumstances, military service is voluntary, though the leaders of the army has the right of conscription for darkeyes that do not provide an essential function to a community (e.g. a town's only surgeon) when they feel there is need for additional troops.{{book ref|sa1|44}} It is extremely rare for a darkeyed soldier to rise higher than the rank of squadleader.{{book ref|sa1|47}} Lighteyed officers that have the command of a branch of the army are usually referred by their duties (e.g. cavalrylord, infantrylord).{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Despite Alethkar being a monarchy, the king has very little actual say in how the military is run and does not directly command any force other than the 250-strong King's Guard. The troops are sworn to and led by their individual highprinces.{{book ref|sa2|5}} In that sense, Alethkar army is not truly a unified army, but a loose coalition between ten smaller armies. Indeed, even in wartime, there is constant in-fighting between the highprinces' armies,{{book ref|sa1|47}} and cooperation between the highprinces themselves is seen as a weakness;{{book ref|sa1|54}} this is bolstered by the tenets of Vorinism that say the purpose of life is to prepare in order to join the Heralds in the fight to regain the [[Tranquiline Halls]] and Alethi belief that everything is a competition in life.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Because of the immense size of the army and the difficulty of travel, compounded by the poor supply line infrastructure of Alethkar,{{wob ref|3824}} [[Soulcasting]] plays a vital role in supplying the army with wood, metal, food, and many other necessities, as well as being used in building fortifications. The king controls most of the Soulcaster ardents; in fact, manipulating the highprinces with his Soulcasters is one of the ways that the king maintains a control over them.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
Recently, in an effort to truly unify the kingdom, [[Dalinar Kholin]] has been appointed as the [[Highprince of War]] by the king. This title was used in Alethkar before being fragmented into ten princedoms when each highprince was given the ultimate authority over one aspect of the governing of the kingdom. On paper, this gives Kholin authority over all war-related activities.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
The Alethi military is currently one of the major military forces fighting against the Fused Invasion, most notably during the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] and the Emuli Campaign.{{book ref|sa3|115}}{{book ref|sa4|19}}{{book ref|sa4|112}} Although many more battles and skirmishes were fought between the two armies between {{rosharan date|1173}} and {{rosharan date|1175}}.{{cite}} They also led the Evacuation of Hearthstone in early {{rosharan date|1175}}.{{book ref|sa4|1}} They are currently centered around and stationed in Urithiru.{{book ref|sa4|116}}
=== Uniforms ===
Higher ranking officers are distinguished by knots on a cord across the epaulette, with the amount of knots and their colour signifying their military rank, and their rank in the Alethi caste system.{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|17}}{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|47}}{{book ref|sa1|58}}{{book ref|sa1|67}} White knots indicate a citizen officer, that is a sergeant or squadleader;{{book ref|sa1|1}}{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|46}} red knots indicate an officer of seventh dahn;{{book ref|sa1|46}} and gold knots indicate second or third dahn;{{book ref|sa1|26}}{{book ref|sa1|46}} It can also distinguish between low captain,{{book ref|sa1|67}} captain,{{book ref|sa2|25}}{{book ref|sa3|83}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} captainlord,{{book ref|sa3|63}} lieutenant,{{book ref|sa3|i|14}} sergeant,{{book ref|sa3|6}} and battalionlord.{{book ref|sa4|40}} Soldiers without authority bear no knots.{{book ref|sa1|17}}{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|67}}{{book ref|sa4|23}}
Exact uniform varies between armies, usually coloured to signify the banner they fight under.{{book ref|sa1|46}}{{book ref|sa1|58}}{{book ref|sa3|116}} Some men choose to further personalize their uniforms with embrodiery or colourful scarfs.{{book ref|sa2|44}} Uniforms are always worn with an undershirt alongside the uniform itself.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
=== Armaments ===
Darkeyed soldiers are primarily trained in spears and axes,{{book ref|sa1|26}} with swords being used only by higher-ranking lighteyes.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} Axes, however, are a nonstandard weapon usually only given to squadleaders and above.{{book ref|sa1|47}} Some soldiers use halberds, although how common they are is unclear.{{book ref|sa4|77}}
Foot soldiers were typically armored with steel breastplates, while archers were clothed with leather vests.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Ordinary foot soldiers have minimal armor, typically not wearing arm or leg guards.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Darkeyes in the armies of Brightlords tend to be dressed in leather armor.{{book ref|sa4|108}} Wealthier lighteyed soldiers wear far finer suits of armor, indicative of their status.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Armor is often marked with a rank insignia that indicated the dahn and military position that a person is a part of.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
The Kholinar Wall Guard wears steel breastplates and helms.{{book ref|sa3|82}}
=== Wages ===
Wages are based upon ones military rank and caste.{{book ref|sa3|2}} The average darkeyed soldier is payed five clearmarks a day.{{book ref|sa1|27}} Military slaves are paid less than half that of a darkeyed soldier, around one clearmark a day.{{book ref|sa1|27}}{{book ref|sa1|4}}
=== Shards ===
According to official records, Alethkar possesses more [[Shardblade]]s than any other nation on Roshar, with only [[Jah Keved]] coming anywhere close.{{book ref|sa1|23}} These Shards are used effectively in combat to overwhelm non-Shardbearer armies.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
During the War of Reckoning, their Shardblades were used in order to cut through chasmfiend chrysalises in order to harvest gemhearts.{{book ref|sa1|12}}
=== Knights Radiant ===
Following the start of the True Desolation, a notably large amount of their army is made up of [[Knights Radiant]], primarily those of the [[Order of Windrunners]] and the [[Order of Edgedancers]], with a smaller but still notable number in the [[Order of Lightweavers]].{{book ref|sa4|3}}{{book ref|sa4|20}} They are used effectively as a means of transport and combat against the Fused and [[Regal]]s.{{book ref|sa4|9}}{{cite}}
{{image|Sadeas bridges.jpg|side=right|width=300px}}
=== Bridge Crews ===
{{for|Bridge crew}}
Bridge Crews were a very important part of the army during the War of Reckoning, serving as an expendable workforce that carried bridges to help soldiers cross over the large chasms between plateaus. They also acted as canon fodder for Parshendi bowmen, as to direct attention away from more trained and valued soldiers.{{book ref|sa1|32}} Due to this, bridgemen had a very high mortality rate, with around half a crew dying per run.{{book ref|sa1|9}}
Each Bridge Crew was made up of 35-40 men, which were lead by a Bridge sergeant, who reports directly to the Brightlord in charge of the crews.{{book ref|sa1|6}}{{book ref|sa1|17}} Each crew has an internal leader elected amongst themselves known as the bridge leader, who has no official authority outside of that which his crewmembers choose to give him.{{book ref|sa1|14}} Members of bridge crews were typically payed five clearmarks a week, given on the third day of every week.{{book ref|sa1|11}}{{book ref|sa1|14}}{{book ref|sa1|27}}
The bridges used by Torol Sadeas's army are typically eight feet wide and two feet thick, with supports on both sides extending its width to sixteen feet. They are also thirty feet long, and allowed one to set up 8 men per column and 5 men per row.{{file ref|Sadeas_bridges.jpg|Bridge Run Interior Art}}
While not on bridge runs, they are typically used as cheap manpower to preform undesirable duties at war camps, such as chasm or latrine duty.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
Not all highprinces made use of bridge crews, with Dalinar notably refusing to make direct use of them. He instead makes use of bridges on wheels, pulled by chulls. Due to being heavier and pulled by chulls instead of people, movement is significantly slower, but Dalinar makes use of it regardless as it results in a major reduction of casualties during plateau runs.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Eventually, Sadeas' Bridge Crews were bought off of him by Dalinar for his Shardblade, who granted them freedom from slavery and promoted them to a battalion.{{book ref|sa1|69}}