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;;Phrases and Idioms
See [https://coppermind.net/wiki/User:King_of_Herdaz/Curses_and_Phrases#Singer.2F|Listener Curses and Phrases]
Raw gemstones in beard. Soldiers wear simple garments tailored around their warform carapace. Long Coates, but not for battle. Generals wear caps/helmets on their skullplates and tight red cloths. Some singers hate trapping spren, instead preferring going out into the highstorms and attracting the proper spren. Measure time by the rhythms, movements and half movements. They live in huts made from hardened crem over frames of shell, which are huddled on the leeward side of lumps of stone. During the war of reckoning many listeners no longer cared about their origins. Forms couldn’t be commanded, everyone was free to choose. They sometimes tie their hair in braids, binding them together with ribbons. The Listeners grow and prune Shalebark, although they do it for decoration. They have stories of the [[Unmade]]. The listeners make paper from plants native to the unclaimed hills and shattered plains, this paper is much rougher and varies in Color. Their paper is textured and full instead of meat and sterile.{{book ref|WoR|i|4}} When a highstorm is close the people prepare their homes, this includes stuffing rags under their doors, shoving bracing boards into position and pounding large wooden blocks into their open windows.
== Other ==