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== Geography and Ecology ==
=== Geography ===
==== Location ====
Arelon lies on the western edge of a continent called [[Opelon]]. Arelon is bordered by the [[Fjorden|Fjordell]] to the east, the [[Duladel|Dula]] to the south east and the [[JinDo]] to the south.
==== Notable Features ====
The country has two major rivers running through it, these being the [[Aredel River]] and the [[Kalomo River]].{{map ref|Sycla}} {{map ref|Arelon}}
==== Climate ====
Duladel is made up of a number of climates. A part of Duladel is made up of the Dula Steppes, these Steppes have many caves. Duladel also has many swamps.{{book ref|Elantris|53}} |D}}
=== Climate ===
Duladel is made up of a number of climates. A part of Duladel is made up of the Dula Steppes, these Steppes have many caves. Duladel also has many swamps.{{book ref|Elantris|53}}
=== Capital ===
Before the [[Reod]] the capital city of Arelon was Elantris, the magical shining city home to the Elantrians who ruled the nation. After the fall of Elantris the nearby city of [[Kae]] became the capital for a short period of ten years and then after the invasion of Arelon, and the reconstruction of Elantris, New Elantris became the new capital.