Nightstar The Bright

Joined 5 November 2023
no edit summary
== Staff ==
=== Priesthood ===
The Court is the religious center of Hallandren, therefore it has a large amount of priests, while these priests have religious responsibilities they also rule the empire in the name of their [[King|Susebron]]. Priests wear intricate robes and some priests, likely the more important ones, wear miters. It seems the more important one is the more intricate ones robe and miter become.
The main job of the priests is to care for the [[Returned]]. This includes making sure that the Returned have enough food and drinks to enjoy, dressing then etc. The more important priests have jobs like writing down the dreams of a Returned or writing down their review. Each high priest also argues in the arena in order to keep the gods informed of the common people’s opinions.
There seems to be a clear ranking system in the Priesthood, at the top is the High priest of the [[God King|Susebron]] below him or her are the high priests of the Returned.
=== Servants ===
There are two kinds of servants in the Court of Gods.
The first type are the [[Hallandren]] servants. The [[God King]]’s servants are all Hallandren, these servants are dressed in different colors each day, likely because the God King represents all colors. Servants are responsible for many things, from opening doors to delivering food and washing the God King and Queen. It seems the [[Returned]] also employ Hallandren servants, these servants dress in the colours of their god and seem to have much of the same jobs.
The second type are the Pahn Kahl servants. These servants are considered second class by most. They aren’t allowed to serve the god king, and most of them practisehave worse jobs then the [[Hallandren]]. The Pahn Kahl servants have to wear brown.
