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|books=[[Mistborn Era 2]]
Following the discovery of the Northern Continent, the Malwish took over diplomatic relations with the Basin, and the majority of Southerners who visited the North were from there. They were the only tribe who sent an ambassador up. It is under their banner that the Southern Nations united.{{book ref|mb7|9}}
Some of the researchers on [[Canticle]] view Malwish as a civilisedcivilized language.{{book ref|tsm|44}}
==== The Hunters ====
The process of creating the medallions requires both Metalborn and the Excisors. The Southern Scadrians also constructed medallions with several types of metal, granting the wearer several Feruchemical powers at once. Wearing multiple medallions at once does not work, as the medallions interfere with each other. Exactly how medallions are made is a trade secret within the Malwish consortium.{{book ref|mb7|9}}
When the crew of the [[Brunstell]] is saved they are given guns by Allik and Steris to fight the Set. A short time later they are seen wielding the weapons, so it’s safe to assume they know how guns work, which shows that they have guns in the south as well.{{cite}}
While talking to Wax, Harmony reflects on the limited progress the people of Elendel have made since the remaking of Scadrial due to the benevolent environment of the Basin, mentioning "...others, who were nearly destroyed", and implies they are significantly more advanced than those in the Basin.