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(Two more chapters)
(Couple of chapters)
* [[Polunsky Ansel]] (mentioned only)
Bastille tries to explain guilt, something Alcatraz is struggling with. She struggles to explain it properly though, and refers to matricide and cannibalism instead.
Never having seen or heard of a Gak before, believing it to just be a word used when you are surprised, Alcatraz quickly gets caught up on Gak's and their history. Bastille explains how Gak's need straw to help with digesting their prey, who being humans, now use soap a lot more which causes terrible things for their stomachs. A renowned explorer, [[Polunsky Ansel]] therefore was able to broker a truce, which means a Gak caught touching straw has to perform a service for the person who caught them.
Alcatraz, playing for time, engages the Gak in a battle of puns, with the most strawsome puns being needed for success. The Gak strawggles to keep up with Alcatraz's excellent puns, and eventually admits defeat. However all this means is that the Gak will let them choose who it gets to eat first, and Alcatraz immediately offers himself.
== Chapter 10 ==
* [[Biblioden]] (mentioned only)
Despite not being a classic chosen-one type of person, Bastille still has faith in Alcatraz and his abilities to save them.
Not being happy with Alcatraz offering himself up so easily, Bastille walks away as if in disgust, but moves towards the downed Dragonaut, looking for anything to assist them before Alcatraz gets eaten by the Gak. Alcatraz manages to distract the Gak long enough to get himself close to the Dragonaut, by explaining how Biblioden is trying to destroy the world, or more specifically, the Free Kingdoms.
The Gak, having had enough moves to attack them, but Alcatraz reaches out and touches the glass dragon, giving it the power needed to lift off, escaping the Gak. Despite the dragon not having an engine, or wings, Alcatraz keeps his hands in contact with the glass, enabling him to do the impossible and fly the ship to the Worldspire.
== Chapter 11 ==
* [[Blackburn]] (mentioned only)
Realizing that they don't get paid more for writing big, fancy words, Bastille decides to do the complete opposite and use short words for a bit. She describes them approaching the Worldspire, and getting shot down.
Scrambling from the wreckage, they come across a group of Librarians led by Etna, who immediately engages Alcatraz in a lens battle while Bastille is left to fight off the other Librarians. Bastille makes short work of the Librarians, her Crystin shard offering more than the Librarians could face against.
Meanwhile Alcatraz is engaged in his first ever direct battle using Oculator's Lenses. Etna adds several pairs of lenses to her attack, but Alcatraz manages to barely hold off her attack using just his Oculator's Lenses. Knowing he has to do something to fend off the attack, Alcatraz uses the Slantviewer's Lenses. He marks Etna as his target and then uses the lenses to send her attack right back at her. The beams between the two explode, sending all parties flying. Alcatraz and Bastille falling through the air, see that they are falling towards a pack of circling sharks. Bastille screams at Alcatraz, who puts his arm towards the tower before they suddenly stop falling.
== Chapter 12 ==