Difference between revisions of "Dalinar Kholin"

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m (I think that's closer to what was intended and avoids repeating "leave")
m (A bit speculative; consensus was that that the previous wording was better)
Tag: Undo
In his youth, Dalinar was heavily addicted to the [[Thrill]], to the point of turning to other drugs, like [[firemoss]], when it wasn't possible.{{book ref|sa3|49}} Back then, he cared for little other than killing, often ignoring strategy and tactics in favor of rushing into battle.{{book ref|sa3|11}} While initially, he sought equal combat, over time the Thrill corrupted that desire, to the point where eventually Dalinar relished in the murder of common soldiers and found fighting other Shardbearers to be a chore.{{book ref|sa3|3}}{{book ref|sa3|26}} Over time, Dalinar managed to temper that hot-headedness to become a keen strategist and logistician, although he retains his desire to be at the forefront of a fight to this day.{{book ref|sa3|52}} At the time, he also had an overblown sense of personal pride, willing to punish thousands of people for a small subset of them ambushing him; this may have simply been an excuse to cause deaths.{{book ref|sa3|76}}