Difference between revisions of "Dalinar Kholin"

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m (→‎Contest of Champions (1175): splitting sentence to make it more readable)
m (→‎Contest of Champions (1175): I think the book's a bit ambiguous about the exact status of the "sending agents to the rest of the cosmere" bit)
==== Contest of Champions (1175) ====
A year later, Dalinar was brought into a vision by Odium, in which he set the terms of their contest of champions--one: A willing champion for each side would be allowed to go to the top of Urithiru, unharmed by either side, and fight to the death. If Dalinar's champion won, Odium would return Alethkar and Herdaz to the coalition. If Odium's champion won, he would keep those two nations, and Dalinar would serve him as a Fused. In either case, Odium would remain bound to the Rosharan system, but would keep the other lands he had won, and both leaders would be ablerequired to sendenforce agentsthe outpeace to the broaderbest cosmereof their ability. The wardeal wouldmight endalso withlift bothsome sidesrestriction keepingon whatOdium theypreventing currentlyhim heldfrom (besidessending theagents twoto nationsthe thatrest wereof agreedthe upon),cosmere andor bothprovide leadershim wouldwith bean requiredopportunity to enforcededicate the peaceresources required to doing so once the bestwar ofis theirover abilityand he has secured a foothold on Roshar.{{book ref|sa4|112}} Additionally, at least some of the protections specified for Hoid in Dalinar's initial proposal seem to be in effect.{{book ref|sa4|epilogue}}
== Relationships == <!--T:259-->