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(→‎History: Fixed plenty of spelling/grammar errors)
== History ==
After the [[Lord Ruler]]'s death and the [[Collapse]], he quickly takes control of the [[Western Dominance]] but is unable to keep control of [[Fadrex City]].{{book ref|mb2|3}}{{book ref|mb2|43}} Cett endendended up in a struggle for power white [[Aradan Yomen]], an [[obligator]] in the city. At some point Cett lost 20002,000 Soliderssoldiers in a Battelbattle aginstagainst 500 [[koloss]]. After one year it began to become clear that Yomen would Bebe the one to take control. Cett blamed his disadvantage on a lack of AllomacersAllomancers (he only had 9). He was manipulated by [[Breeze]] who convinced him that the Lord Rulers [[atium cache]] was in Luthadel and that he could use the atium to buy AllomacersAllomancers. He decided to lay siege on [[Luthadel]] with an Armyarmy of 4000040,000 Soliderssoldiers to take the Central Dominance and the atium from [[Elend Venture]].{{book ref|mb2|50}}. Before his army arivedarrived he sent 4 Pewterarms, a Smoker, a Lurcher, a Coinshot and a Mistborn with atium to kill Vin. The Assassinsassassins failed and were Killedkilled, but made Vin use up her last atium.
In the [[Siege of Luthadel]], Cett's Army was outnumbered by [[Straff Venture]]'s forces of 5000050,000. Realizing this, he secretly entersentered Luthadel and presentspresented himself to [[Elend Venture]] at a [[Luthadel Assembly]] meeting, proposing that his troops enter the city and the pair ally against Straff.{{book ref|mb2|35}} However, when Elend is attacked by Mistings, [[Vin]] believes these to be agents of Cett after recognizing one Thug supposedly as a servant of Cett.{{book ref|mb2|38}} Vin and [[Zane Venture]] then enter [[Keep Hasting]], killing Cett's soldiers and almost killing Cett himself--Vin suspected him to be a Mistborn, although he was not.{{book ref|mb2|43}} Cett then leaves the city with his troops.{{book ref|mb2|44}}
After the siege, Vin forces Cett to pledge allegiance to Elend and Cett becomes a general in the new Emperor's army.{{book ref|mb2|55}} He takes part in the [[Siege of Fadrex City]].{{book ref|mb3|25}}
During the siege he is glad to see that [[Elend]] has finally agreed to take back his own capital from Yomen. He helps to direct and manage the army. According to [[Elend]], if should something happen to him, Cett would be third in line to take command of his empire, after [[Vin]] and [[Sazed]], respectively.
During the planning of the siege, Cett puts forward some of the more brutal but effective ideas, such as sending parts of the army out to attack undefended small villages in order to force Yomen to play his hand, as well as simply assassinating him and taking control. [[Elend]] also requests that he drafts up a list of [[Noble|noblemen]] and informants inside the city who could possibly aid them with information or perhaps acting as double-agents within the city.{{book ref|mb3|25}} He thus gives [[Vin]] information on how to find and contact [[Slowswift]] as well as [[Hoid]] inside the city.{{book ref|mb3|27}}