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'''Melend Liese''' was a [[noble]] in the [[Final Empire]]. He is young, about [[Vin]]'s age.{{book ref|mb1|18}}
== History ==
HeMelend asksasked Vin, who iswas posing as Lady Valette Renoux, to dance at the ball at [[Keep Elariel]]. She acceptsaccepted in an attempt to make [[Elend]] ask her to dance. Melend tends to bewas overly formal, and isproved himself to be not a very good dancer. He iswas initially intimidated by Vin, because of her association with Elend, but she tellstold him that he'sElend was a family friend, and that [[Teven Renoux|Lord Renoux]] asked him to watch over her at the balls. Afterward, Melend relaxesrelaxed and dancesdanced more easily. Vin asksasked him about Elend, who he knowsknew very little about. He thinksthought she's was very good at dancing, and flirtsflirted with her. He letslet slip that [[Shan Elariel]] hashad been gossiping about her, but doesndidn't say anymore. After a short dance, Melend leadsled Vin back to her table. Afterward, he returned to a group of friends, and talked to them briefly about Vin. Shortly after, one of them came to ask Vin to dance.{{book ref|mb1|18}}
== Notes ==