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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
Captain '''Halam Khal''' is a [[lighteyes|lighteyed]] officer and [[Shardbearer]] in the [[:Category: Kholin army| Kholin army]], andon [[Roshar]]. He is the eldest son of [[General Khal]] and Brightness [[Teshav]].{{book ref|sa3|16}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Little is known about Halam Khal's appearance. His eyes are [[lighteyes|light]], either yellow or violet depending on which of his parents he takes after. Like all [[Alethi]], he's tan. Even his kinsmen consider him tall.{{book ref|sa3|111}}
Khal is a dependable soldier. His father trusts him with his set of [[Shardbearer|Shards]], and often leaves him to act on his own, trusting - -rightfully so - -that the Captaincaptain will succeed.{{book ref|sa2|82}} Halam has been taught to always take on any challenge that arises, even if the opponent is his superior.{{book ref|sa3|16}} When not in battle or fulfilling other duties, he's is usually rightseen close by his father's side.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Halam is a trained soldier with considerable skill. He's beenis present in most major engagements againstduring the [[singerWar of Reckoning]] and the [[True Desolation]]s, and camecomes out of them essentially unscathed.{{book ref|sa2|82}}{{book ref|sa3|120}} He's also a trained [[Shardbearer]], and though he does not have a [[Shardplate|Plate]] or a [[Shardblade|Blade]] of his own, he's is skilled in using his father's weapons.{{book ref|sa2|82}} It's possible, however, that [[General Khal]] endedends up bestowing his own Plate on him, as following the [[Battle of Narak]], others refer to Halam as a Shardbearer, and he is seen wearing ithis father's Plate far more often than his father is.{{book ref|sa3|16}}{{book ref|sa3|111}}{{book ref|sa3|122}}
As his father's eldest son, he'sHalam is the heir to the Khal lands, if they still exist.{{book ref|sa3|16}}
== History ==
Nothing is known of Halam Khal's early life, except that he was born to [[General Khal]] and Brightness [[Teshav]]. Like many Alethi brightlords, he joined the military, and by {{Rosharan date|1173}} he reached the rank of a Captaincaptain.{{book ref|sa2|81}} He was a member of the war party led by [[Dalinar Kholin]] out onto the [[Shattered Plains]] to fight the [[Parshendi]]. He fought in the [[Battle of Narak]] along with the less-skilled armies on Highprince [[Roion]]'s front. For this, his father lent him his own [[Shardplate]] and [[Shardblade]].{{book ref|sa2|81}}
Despite Captain Khal's best efforts, Roion's troops were routed by the Parshendi.{{book ref|sa2|82}} Trapped and nearly overwhelmed, Halam was rescued when Brightlady [[Navani]]'s artifabrians[[artifabrian]]s put their moisture-attracting [[fabrial]]s into action, allowing archers to give Khal and his men cover as they retreated. Captain Khal returned from the front on foot, bearing [[Teleb]]'s borrowed King's Blade, which he had recovered from the other man's corpse.{{book ref|sa2|83}} He was sent to another part of the battlefield immediately upon his return.{{book ref|sa2|86}}
Halam survived the battle, and came to [[Urithiru]] along with the rest of his family.{{book ref|sa3|16}} At some point, the princess of [[Yezier]] began courting him, perhaps in hopes of tying her country to the [[House Kholin|Kholin]]s and their military.{{book ref|sa3|111}} He and his father briefly visited [[Thaylen City]], but before the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]] began, they transferred back to Urithiru to gather their soldiers, and were subsequently stuck there when the tower came under attack from the [[Fused]]. After that assault was pushed back, they led an Alethi relief force consisting of two thousand sodiers and three Shardbearers to aid Thaylen City.{{book ref|sa3|120}} The Captaincaptain survived that battle as well.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Trivia ==
== Notes ==
<references /><!-- sa2: 81-3, sa3: 16, 111, 120, 122 -->