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=== Assassination of Gavilar ===
On the night of Gavilar's assassination, Navani was organizing the preparations for the feast that celebrated the Alethi and Parshendi treaty., She encountered Aesudan and two ardents in the palace gardens., Shespeaking recognizedto one of thetwo ardents as Rushur Kris, an accomplished artifabrian. Though she tried to speak with Kris about his discoveries, Aesudan used Navani's presence as an excuse to abruptly endcut the conversation short. Navani then approached the palace steward, who told her that Gavilar was missing from the celebration. Despite her irritation with Gavilar, she dealt with the guests' concerns during the feast to cover the king's absence.
She eventually excused herself to find Gavilar, whom she discovered in her study, speaking to [[Nale]] and [[Kalak]]. Navani glimpsed an array of violet-black spheres, which Gavilar had arranged on the table. After Gavilar dismissed Nale and Kalak, Navani expressed an interest in the spheres. Gavilar's rebuke initiated an argument between them, where they discussed Jasnah's failed betrothal to Amaram, Gavilar's disregard for her, and his plans for Alethkar. When Navani threatened to tarnish his legacy, Gavilar insulted her and said she was no true scholar. Once he left, an angry Navani inscribed a glyphward praying for his death and burned it. She returned to the feast to fulfill her role as queen.
=== Aftermath of the Assassination ===
After Gavilar's death at the hands of [[Szeth]], Navani was left without a defined position in Alethi society as her son assumed the throne.{{book ref|sa1|Prologue}} In retaliation for Gavilar's death, the Alethi started a war against the [[Parshendi]], who claimed responsibility for the assassination. Much of Alethi society moved to the [[Shattered Plains]] to fight them.{{book ref|sa1|Prologue}} Initially, she stayed in Kholinar to aid Elhokar's wife, [[Aesudan Kholin|Aesudan]], in ruling the kingdom.{{book ref|sa1|12}} After some years, she moved to the Shattered Plains, realizing that the seat of power had transferred there as the [[War of Reckoning]] continued.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
War against the [[Parshendi]], who claimed responsibility for the assassination, started in retaliation for it. Much of Alethi society moved to the [[Shattered Plains]] to fight them.{{book ref|sa1|Prologue}} Initially, she stayed in Kholinar to aid Elhokar's wife, [[Aesudan Kholin|Aesudan]], in ruling the kingdom.{{book ref|sa1|12}} After some years, she moved to the Shattered Plains, realizing that the seat of power had essentially transferred there.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
{{image|Fervent Prayer by Antti Hakosaari.jpg|side=left|width=250px|Burning a [[glyphward]] during the [[Battle of the Tower]]}}
On the way back to Urithiru, Navani reviewed her notes on fabrials. She studied the strange suppression fabrial that Kaladin and Lift had found while fighting the Fused. Navani observed that the gemstones in the suppression fabrial were the same as the gemstones in Urithiru's central pillar. Confused by this revelation, she compared the pillar and the fabrial to the layout of a Soulcaster. The dilemma of the Soulcasters grabbed her attention, since they didn't adhere to any laws or mechanics of fabrial science. Although she wanted to look deeper into the mysteries of these devices, she found no concrete answers in her research.{{book ref|sa4|9}}
As the Windrunners and the Fourth Bridge neared the Shattered Plains, Navani glimpsed a glowingconjoined red lightruby inside her flying chamber. She found half of a conjoined rubyattached madeit forto a spanreed. The person on the other end of the spanreed accused Navani of being a monster who imprisoned spren. The spanreed then ceased writing, despite Navani's attempts to re-establish contact.{{book ref|sa4|9}}
=== Return to the Tower ===
She went over some strange barometric and temperature readings with her research team. Strangely enough, the temperature and pressure rose in front of a storm. Navani theorized that Urthiru's elevation could be affecting the readings, then advised them to dedicate further observation to the matter. She also gave Gavilar's strange sphere to the engineers [[Talnah]] and [[Nem]] for further study.
Afterwards, she went to attend a meetingmet with Jasnah,her Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan,family and the Mink. Onceto Dalinardiscuss arrived,further heaction chided Adolin for displaying a breach in discpline, though Shallan came toagainst AdolinOdium's defenseforces. A bemused Navani observed that his marriage to Shallan had emboldened Adolin to search for his own sense of identity.{{book ref|sa4|16}} For most of the meetingdiscussion, Navani remained a silent observer, watching Jasnah and Dalinar discuss strategy with the Mink.{{book ref|sa4|16}} Though she was surprised when the Mink proposed that the coalition retake Emul, she and Jasnah eventually persuaded Dalinar to agree with the plan.{{book ref|sa4|17}}
=== Further Studies ===
With Rushu's help, Navani resumed her studies on the crystal pillar beneath Urithiru. Despite attempting to compare its schematics to the suppression device from the Fused, shebut reached another dead end in her research.{{book ref|sa4|19}} Attempting to focus her attention elsewhere, she paid a visit to [[Falilar]] and [[Tomor]], who presented her with a device that enabled the redirection of force. Navani wore the device and participated in some experiments that tested its practical applications. Falilar showed her a shaft in Urithiru that was rigged with pulleys and weights, which would provide the manpower for the device. Inspired, Navani encouraged him to refine the design and experiment with the pulley system.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
At a meeting of the coalition of monarchs, Navani encountered [[Taravangian]]. She coldly criticized his power play for the thronetakeover of Jah Keved. Taravangian asserted that both Gavilar and Dalinar had committed worse crimes. When Navani finallythe foundmeeting her seatbegan, she expected Taravangian to oppose the proposal for an Emuli offensive. However, Taravangian agreed, much to everyone's surprise. The coalition made significant progress in organizing their forces to prepare for Emul, as well as designating people to lead an envoy to the honorspren. Despite this, Navani felt uneasy at Taravangian's swift agreement to the proposal.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
Later on, in private, she eventually voiced her concerns to Dalinar about Taravangian. Dalinar told her that he had similar worries, likening Taravangian's betrayal to Sadeas's treachery on the Shattered Plains. He insisted that Navani stay at Urithiru in case something went awry in Emul. Navani promised that she would.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
During the departure of the coalition's forces, Navani bade Dalinar goodbye as she warned him about Taravangian's potential schemes. Thought it troubled her that Dalinar wanted to take Gavinor to the front lines in Emul, she permitted him to do so, since Dalinar argued that he wanted to be more involved with their grandson. She asked Jasnah to watch over Dalinar on the battlefield and keep him out of the fighting.{{book ref|sa4|27}}
At a meeting of the coalition of monarchs, Navani encountered [[Taravangian]]. She coldly criticized his power play for the throne of Jah Keved. Taravangian asserted that both Gavilar and Dalinar had committed worse crimes. When Navani finally found her seat, she expected Taravangian to oppose the proposal for an Emuli offensive. However, Taravangian agreed, much to everyone's surprise. The coalition made significant progress in organizing their forces to prepare for Emul, as well as designating people to lead an envoy to the honorspren. Despite this, Navani felt uneasy at Taravangian's swift agreement to the proposal.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
With the help of [[Sebarial]] and [[Anesa]], she began coordinating the day-to-day running of Urithiru in Dalinar's absence. Her thorough inspections led her to a team of Radiants and engineers, who were observing a crack in the wall that her scribes found. Falilar told her that the crack had concealed a hidden room, which contained a scale model of Urithiru. Awed, Navani pondered the possibilities of more hidden rooms around the tower. As she left to review some additional reports, her scribe [[Isabi]] brought her a blinking spanreed. Navani immediately dropped her current task to answer the mysterious person's request.{{book ref|sa4|27}}
Later on, in private, she eventually voiced her concerns to Dalinar. Dalinar told her that he had similar worries, likening Taravangian's betrayal to Sadeas's treachery on the Shattered Plains. He insisted that Navani stay at Urithiru in case something went awry in Emul. Navani promised that she would.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
== Relationships ==
