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{{image|Fourth Bridge by Esther Shrader.jpg|side=right|width=250px|Navani aboard the [[Fourth Bridge]]}}
During the battle between Kaladin and the Fused at [[Hearthstone]], Navani was aboard the [[Fourth Bridge]], an airship that she designed with her team of engineers. NavaniWhile took pride in the creation of the Fourth Bridge, a feat that involved utilizing conjoined gemstones and fabrical mechanics on a massive scale. For a moment, she felt a pang of grief, thinking how much Elhokar would've liked to see the Fourth Bridge. She spokespeaking with KmaklDalinar about the futuremysterious ofcrystal air transport, then talked with Dalinar about her research on Urithiru. Dalinar told her that he found it impossible to infuse the gemstone pillarspillar at Urithiru., [[Dieno enne Calah]], the Mink, snuck onto the Fourth Bridge. andDespite interruptedthe Dalinar and NavaniMink's conversation.hostility Hetowards broughtDalinar upfor the war between Alethkar and Herdaz, which Dalinar had been responsible for during his days as the Blackthorn. Dalinar and the Mink made a deal to let the Mink's remaining forces onto the Fourth Bridge.{{book ref|sa4|3}}
As the evacuation commenced, Navani collaborated with the crew and engineers to secure the Hearthstone refugees. [[Falilar]] informed her that most of the townspeople were safely aboard the Fourth Bridge. She told Falilar to check the gemstones and his calculations, since he was concerned that the refugees' weight would compromise the airship's mechanics. Rushu was similarly worried about the Windrunners' tactics, though Navani soothed her concerns. When Dalinar opened a perpendicularity to replenish stormlight, Navani and Rushu made some observations about the nature of Shadesmar. The conversation turned to the subject of Urthiru. Navani, though frustrated about her inability to discover the tower's secrets, told Rushu that their discoveries might help improve future airship designs. While Rushu was writing down her thoughts, she told Navani that she saw a strange man on a hill, standing aside from the battle. Navani recognized the man as [[Moash]]. She alerted the Windrunners to Moash's presence.{{book ref|sa4|6}}
While Rushu was writing down her thoughts, she told Navani that she saw a strange man on a hill, standing aside from the battle. Navani recognized the man as Moash. She alerted the Windrunners to Moash's presence.{{book ref|sa4|6}}
On the way back to Urithiru, Navani reviewed her notes on fabrials. She studied the strange suppression fabrial that Kaladin and Lift had found while fighting the Fused. Navani observed that the gemstones in the suppression fabrial were the same as the gemstones in Urithiru's central pillar. Confused by this revelation, she compared the pillar and the fabrial to the layout of a Soulcaster. The dilemma of the Soulcasters grabbed her attention, since they didn't adhere to any laws or mechanics of fabrial science. Although she wanted to look deeper into the mysteries of these devices, she found no concrete answers in her research.{{book ref|sa4|9}}
As the Windrunners and the Fourth Bridge neared the Shattered Plains, Navani glimpsed a glowing red light inside her flying chamber. She found half of a conjoined ruby and attached itmade tofor a spanreed. The person on the other end of the spanreed accused Navani of being a monster who imprisoned spren. The spanreed then ceased writing and didn't respond, despite Navani's attempts to re-establish contact.{{book ref|sa4|9}}
=== Return to the Tower ===
Upon returning to Urithiru, Navani interrogated an imprisoned Szeth about the strange dark sphere that he'd possessed. She noted that the sphere had similar visual properties to ones infused with Voidlight, but was not the same. Szeth recounted the night of Gavilar's assassination to her, describing Gavilar's last words. However, he had no answers as to what the sphere was, and. allAll he knew was that Gavilar had given him the sphere right before he died. When he asked Navani if she hated him, Navani told him that she did.{{book ref|sa4|1516}}
Later on, she paid a visit to the Cloudwalk, observing the Oathgate platform and the diverse peoples that visited Urithiru. She met with Gavinor and his nursemaid on the Cloudwalk. Navani embraced her grandson and listened to him talk excitedly about his recent adventure with Adolinadventures. Though she was concerned about how his trauma in Kholinar was affecting his development, she said nothing. Gavinor asked her why Dalinar wasn't teaching him the sword, since he wanted to take revenge on the man that killed his father. Navani deflected the question, promising to discuss it further with Dalinar. Then she gave Gavinor back to the nursemaid and moved on to meet with the research team on the Cloudwalk.{{book ref|sa4|1516}}
She went over some strange barometric and temperature readings with Brother Benneh, an ardent on theher research team. BennehStrangely told her thatenough, the temperature and pressure rose in front of a storm, instead of the opposite. Navani theorized that Urthiru's elevation could be affecting the readings, then advised himthem to dedicate further observation to the matter. She also spoke with some of the engineers, [[Talnah]] and [[Nem]], to see if they could discover the secrets of Gavilar's mysterious sphere. After giving them the sphere to study, she went to attend a meeting with Jasnah and Dalinar.
Navani was the first to arrive at the meeting, followed by Adolin, Shallan, and the Mink. Adolin told Navani that Shallan seemed quite fascinated with the Mink and his eccentricities. Once Dalinar arrived, he chided Adolin for displaying a breach in discpline, though Shallan came to Adolin's defense. A bemused Navani observed that his marriage to Shallan had emboldened Adolin to search for his own sense of identity.{{book Sheref|sa4|16}} madeFor observationsmost asof Shallanthe meeting, Navani remained a silent observer, watching Jasnah and Dalinar useddiscuss stormlightstrategy towith summonthe aMink. massiveAfter mapthe ofmeeting Rosharended, whichshe tookquestioned theJasnah Minkon byher proposal to abolish slavery in surpriseAlethkar.{{book ref|sa4|1517}}
=== Further Studies ===
Later on, she paid a visit to the Cloudwalk, observing the Oathgate platform and the diverse peoples that visited Urithiru. She met with Gavinor and his nursemaid on the Cloudwalk. Navani embraced her grandson and listened to him talk excitedly about his recent adventure with Adolin. Though she was concerned about how his trauma in Kholinar was affecting his development, she said nothing. Gavinor asked her why Dalinar wasn't teaching him the sword, since he wanted to take revenge on the man that killed his father. Navani deflected the question, promising to discuss it further with Dalinar. Then she gave Gavinor back to the nursemaid and moved on to meet with the research team on the Cloudwalk.{{book ref|sa4|15}}
With Rushu's help, Navani resumed her studies on the crystal pillar beneath Urithiru. Despite attempting to compare its schematics to the suppression device from the Fused, she reached another dead end in her research.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
She went over some strange barometric and temperature readings with Brother Benneh, an ardent on the research team. Benneh told her that the temperature and pressure rose in front of a storm, instead of the opposite. Navani theorized that Urthiru's elevation could be affecting the readings, then advised him to dedicate further observation to the matter. She also spoke with some of the engineers, [[Talnah]] and [[Nem]], to see if they could discover the secrets of Gavilar's mysterious sphere. After giving them the sphere to study, she went to attend a meeting with Jasnah and Dalinar.
She paid a visit to her various gemstone researchers and engineers, where [[Falilar]] and [[Tomor]] presented her with a new invention. The boxlike device, which she'd designed herself, enabled the redirection of force through conjoined fabrials. Navani wore the device and participated in some experiments that tested its practical applications. Though she was concerned about the manpower required for its mechanics, Falilar showed her a shaft in Urithiru that was rigged with pulleys and weights. Inspired, Navani encouraged him to refine the device's design and experiment with the pulley system.{{book ref|sa4|19}}
Navani was the first to arrive at the meeting, followed by Adolin, Shallan, and the Mink. Adolin told Navani that Shallan seemed quite fascinated with the Mink and his eccentricities. Once Dalinar arrived, he chided Adolin for displaying a breach in discpline, though Shallan came to Adolin's defense. A bemused Navani observed that his marriage to Shallan had emboldened Adolin to search for his own sense of identity. She made observations as Shallan and Dalinar used stormlight to summon a massive map of Roshar, which took the Mink by surprise.{{book ref|sa4|15}}
== Relationships ==