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m (→‎Interlude I-3: Rysn: Per wob:14116, the Reshi king "sees himself as male, and wishes to be treated that way")
Rysn is traveling with Vstim to the [[Reshi]] isles to do trading, but Vstim is very sick. Gu, the flotilla's guide, takes them there, guiding them since the islands move. Rysn is quite shocked and amazed when she realizes that the moving islands are huge great shells. The group lands on one of the islands, and Vstim tells Rysn that she must go and trade with the Reshi, as he is too ill to do so. He tells her to be bold, and although Rysn is nervous, she agrees to do so. Kyrlm and Nlent, two of the guards, accompany her as she ascends the island. While Rysn is observing the island, she sees Axies hanging upside down. They talk for a bit, and then Rysn and the guards continue their way up the island.
They make it to the Kingking, and as Rysn approaches to speak with herhim, Talik comes and speaks on behalf of the queenking. Talik, the Reshi trader, is disappointed that Vstim himself did not come to trade, and initially turns her away. Rysn is insistent in her trade, wishing to prove herself to Vstim, and the king eventually relents so that Rysn is speaking to the king, and not to Talik. The Reshi are opposed to trading with Rysn since they do not yet respect her and do not know if they can trust her. The king eventually dismisses Rysn, telling her that she did very well.
Rysn, worrying that Vstim is dying, instead insists on talking to the great shell that is the island, Relu-nu. She slides down the side of the head on a rope and begins to talk with it, pleading her case. Talik attempts to bring her back on top of the island, but Relu-nu takes a bite of the fruit at the bottom of the rope and breaks it, causing Rysn to fall. As she crashes into the water, Relu-nu cushioned her fall, and Rysn fell unconscious.