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The Skybreakers are [[Surgebinder]]s who use the [[Surge]]s of Gravitation and Division{{book ref|sa3|90}}, and they are associated with the smokestone [[polestone]]. They form a [[Nahel Bond]] with [[highspren]].{{book ref|sa2|59}} They are widely thought of as fanatics in both Shadesmar and the physical realm. Highspren is usually used as a derogatory term.{{cite}} The Skybreakers were the only Radiant Order not to have abandoned their oaths on the Day of Recreance, and continued to operate in secret until the present day.
== History ==
=== Ancient Skybreakers ===
The group that would become the Skybreakers began when the highspren, trying to imitate the [[honorblade]]s, granted men Surges.{{book ref|sa2|59}}{{book ref|sa2|4}} [[Ishar]], understanding the implication of men having Surges, forced them to accept laws and organization, becoming the Order of Skybreakers.{{epigraph ref|sa2|42}} Given the Skybreakers' dedication to the law, they likely had one of the easiest times accepting Ishar's rules. The Skybreakers pursued [[Nale]] as their patron. Nale initially refused to accept the patronage, believing the position to be annoying and vain. The Skybreakers operated for some unkown length of time without a patron [[Herald]] after his refusal. He finally accepted them after the disturbances in the [[Revv]] toparchy were quieted. He was the last Herald to accept their Order.{{epigraph ref|sa2|43}}
The Skybreakers acted as the military police among the Radiants.{{wob ref|13773}}{{wob ref|6054}} This role required separating innocent and guilty parties.{{epigraph ref|sa2|54}} Their considerable ability to do so was acknowledged by all, even those who did not like the Skybreakers.{{epigraph ref|sa2|55}} Despite being described as an almost divine skill,{{epigraph ref|sa2|55}} there was no magical cause for it.{{wob ref|8208}} Skybreakers were also tasked with making certain that dangerous or dark forces in the world were contained.{{wob ref|13773}}
The ancient Skybreakers seem to have been involved in conflicts with other Orders frequently, especially the two Orders they share Surges with. The Skybreakers considered the Dustbringers to be on the edge morally and did not get along with them.{{wob ref|11988}} They also reportedly had some issues with the [[Windrunners]]. [[Highspren]] and, through them, the Skybreakers judge and dispense justice according to the letter of the law and what may make logical sense to them, while the Windrunners will disregard these laws or logic at their letter to do what is considered right.{{book ref|sa2|22}}{{book ref|sa2|59}} Debates ensued when Windrunners and Skybreakers tried to decide the fate of the guilty.{{epigraph ref|sa2|54}}They were the ones that did the sometimes tough job of making certain that the Orders didn’t abuse their power to become tyrants, as the Skybreakers saw that those with powers could easily oppress those who had none.{{wob ref|13773}} These conflicts got significantly worse as the time of the Recreance approached.{{epigraph ref|sa3|64}} Some believed these and other conflicts caused the [[Sibling]] to retreat, but it was unrelated to the true cause.{{epigraph ref|sa3|70}}
They tend to attract those who believe in the importance of legal code, those who have strong moral codes of their own, and those who think the best defense against anarchy are things like patriotism, moral fiber, and rules to govern behavior. Note that the current incarnation, led by the Herald Nale in his madness, is more rigid than the ancient order, which understood that the law was not perfect, but instead represented an ideal to try to reach over time. Anyone believing in finding true justice, in defending the innocent, and in punishing the guilty would be welcome in the Order.{{wob ref|13773}}
At some point before the [[Recreance]],{{wob ref|12600}} Nale secretly retrieved his [[honorblade]] from [[Shinovar]] and bonded his own highspren, officially joining the Skybreakers. He is the only known Herald to have joined their Order.{{book ref|sa3|106}}
=== In Hiding ===
| Led by the ancient Herald Nalan'Elin—often simply called Nale—the Skybreakers are the only order of Radiants that did not betray its oaths during the Recreance. They have maintained a continuous clandestine line from ancient days.
| [[Mraize]]'s letter to [[Shallan]]{{book ref|sa3|40}}
The Skybreakers were also the only Order that did not partake in the [[Recreance]] and remained active in the following two millennia.{{book ref|sa2|88}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|41}}{{book ref|sa3|40}}{{book ref|sa3|90}}
It is mentioned by [[Mraize]] that [[Helaran Davar]] had been attempting to locate the Skybreakers, and that Nale had recruited him, although he was not worthy of a spren bond before he died.{{cite}}
The Order has a small fortress in [[Marabethia]] that overlooks the [[Purelake]].{{book ref|sa3|90}} Hopefuls are brought to the fortress for testing, and Squires and Masters reside there while training (unless they are away on a mission).{{book ref|sa3|90}}
Skybreakers usually wear the uniforms of local law enforcement wherever they travel, regardless of their own race or nationality.{{book ref|sa3|90}}{{book ref|sa3|98}}
=== True Desolation ===
Right at the onset of the [[True Desolation]], Nale, recruited [[Szeth]] to join the Skybreakers.{{book ref|sa2|88}} Despite the [[Everstorm]]'s arrival, he remained in denial about the failure of his Order's mission for weeks until a confrontation with [[Lift]] showed him the truth.{{book ref|sa2.5|19}} Nale left the Skybreakers to train as normal, before coming back to tell them the truth of Rosharan history and give them a choice.{{book ref|sa3|98}} As the original owners of the land, Nale claimed that the law of the land was that of the [[singer]]s.{{book ref|sa3|116}} He and most of his Order decided to follow [[Odium]] and the singers' with their return to Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|117}} [[Szeth]] is currently the only known Skybreaker to not serve Odium.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Abilities ==
; Surgebinding
The Skybreakers are able use the Surges of '''Gravitation''' and '''Division'''.
The full extent of their powers are so far unknown. They are able to use a [[Basic Lashing]] like the [[Order of Windrunners]], since they share the Gravitation Surge. They also have the Surge of Division, which allows them to destroy or degrade things around them.
; Other Skills
They reportedly had the ability (unrelated to their Surges) to divide the innocent from the guilty that was by some even considered to be an almost divine skill.{{book ref|sa2|55}} However, they do not have any supernatural abilities in determining a person's guilt,{{wob ref|8208}} so this appears to be some combination of mundane experience and exaggerations in folklore.
== Ideals of the Skybreakers ==
=== The Fifth Ideal ===
Called the Ideal of Law, this Ideal requires the Skybreaker to swear an oath that they will become a personification of law and truth. Nale is likely the only current Skybreaker to have achieved it, as it has been centuries since anyone mastered the Fifth Ideal.{{book ref|sa3|90}} There is a disagreement among the order on whether this means that the Skybreaker swearing this oath can do anything, as they are an embodiment of the law, or if they need to not break any law to keep their oaths.{{wob ref|12100}}
== Abilities ==
; Surgebinding
The Skybreakers are able use the Surges of '''Gravitation''' and '''Division'''.
The full extent of their powers are so far unknown. They are able to use a [[Basic Lashing]] like the [[Order of Windrunners]], since they share the Gravitation Surge. They also have the Surge of Division, which allows them to destroy or degrade things around them.
; Other Skills
They reportedly had the ability (unrelated to their Surges) to divide the innocent from the guilty that was by some even considered to be an almost divine skill.{{book ref|sa2|55}} However, they do not have any supernatural abilities in determining a person's guilt,{{wob ref|8208}} so this appears to be some combination of mundane experience and exaggerations in folklore.
== History ==
=== Ancient Skybreakers ===
The group that would become the Skybreakers began when the highspren, trying to imitate the [[honorblade]]s, granted men Surges.{{book ref|sa2|59}}{{book ref|sa2|4}} [[Ishar]], understanding the implication of men having Surges, forced them to accept laws and organization, becoming the Order of Skybreakers.{{epigraph ref|sa2|42}} Given the Skybreakers' dedication to the law, they likely had one of the easiest times accepting Ishar's rules. The Skybreakers pursued [[Nale]] as their patron. Nale initially refused to accept the patronage, believing the position to be annoying and vain. The Skybreakers operated for some unkown length of time without a patron [[Herald]] after his refusal. He finally accepted them after the disturbances in the [[Revv]] toparchy were quieted. He was the last Herald to accept their Order.{{epigraph ref|sa2|43}}
The Skybreakers acted as the military police among the Radiants.{{wob ref|13773}}{{wob ref|6054}} This role required separating innocent and guilty parties.{{epigraph ref|sa2|54}} Their considerable ability to do so was acknowledged by all, even those who did not like the Skybreakers.{{epigraph ref|sa2|55}} Despite being described as an almost divine skill,{{epigraph ref|sa2|55}} there was no magical cause for it.{{wob ref|8208}} Skybreakers were also tasked with making certain that dangerous or dark forces in the world were contained.{{wob ref|13773}}
The ancient Skybreakers seem to have been involved in conflicts with other Orders frequently, especially the two Orders they share Surges with. The Skybreakers considered the Dustbringers to be on the edge morally and did not get along with them.{{wob ref|11988}} They also reportedly had some issues with the [[Windrunners]]. [[Highspren]] and, through them, the Skybreakers judge and dispense justice according to the letter of the law and what may make logical sense to them, while the Windrunners will disregard these laws or logic at their letter to do what is considered right.{{book ref|sa2|22}}{{book ref|sa2|59}} Debates ensued when Windrunners and Skybreakers tried to decide the fate of the guilty.{{epigraph ref|sa2|54}}They were the ones that did the sometimes tough job of making certain that the Orders didn’t abuse their power to become tyrants, as the Skybreakers saw that those with powers could easily oppress those who had none.{{wob ref|13773}} These conflicts got significantly worse as the time of the Recreance approached.{{epigraph ref|sa3|64}} Some believed these and other conflicts caused the [[Sibling]] to retreat, but it was unrelated to the true cause.{{epigraph ref|sa3|70}}
They tend to attract those who believe in the importance of legal code, those who have strong moral codes of their own, and those who think the best defense against anarchy are things like patriotism, moral fiber, and rules to govern behavior. Note that the current incarnation, led by the Herald Nale in his madness, is more rigid than the ancient order, which understood that the law was not perfect, but instead represented an ideal to try to reach over time. Anyone believing in finding true justice, in defending the innocent, and in punishing the guilty would be welcome in the Order.{{wob ref|13773}}
At some point before the [[Recreance]],{{wob ref|12600}} Nale secretly retrieved his [[honorblade]] from [[Shinovar]] and bonded his own highspren, officially joining the Skybreakers. He is the only known Herald to have joined their Order.{{book ref|sa3|106}}
=== In Hiding ===
| Led by the ancient Herald Nalan'Elin—often simply called Nale—the Skybreakers are the only order of Radiants that did not betray its oaths during the Recreance. They have maintained a continuous clandestine line from ancient days.
| [[Mraize]]'s letter to [[Shallan]]{{book ref|sa3|40}}
The Skybreakers were also the only Order that did not partake in the [[Recreance]] and remained active in the following two millennia.{{book ref|sa2|88}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|41}}{{book ref|sa3|40}}{{book ref|sa3|90}}
It is mentioned by [[Mraize]] that [[Helaran Davar]] had been attempting to locate the Skybreakers, and that Nale had recruited him, although he was not worthy of a spren bond before he died.{{cite}}
The Order has a small fortress in [[Marabethia]] that overlooks the [[Purelake]].{{book ref|sa3|90}} Hopefuls are brought to the fortress for testing, and Squires and Masters reside there while training (unless they are away on a mission).{{book ref|sa3|90}}
Skybreakers usually wear the uniforms of local law enforcement wherever they travel, regardless of their own race or nationality.{{book ref|sa3|90}}{{book ref|sa3|98}}
=== True Desolation ===
Right at the onset of the [[True Desolation]], Nale, recruited [[Szeth]] to join the Skybreakers.{{book ref|sa2|88}} Despite the [[Everstorm]]'s arrival, he remained in denial about the failure of his Order's mission for weeks until a confrontation with [[Lift]] showed him the truth.{{book ref|sa2.5|19}} Nale left the Skybreakers to train as normal, before coming back to tell them the truth of Rosharan history and give them a choice.{{book ref|sa3|98}} As the original owners of the land, Nale claimed that the law of the land was that of the [[singer]]s.{{book ref|sa3|116}} He and most of his Order decided to follow [[Odium]] and the singers' with their return to Roshar.{{book ref|sa3|117}} [[Szeth]] is currently the only known Skybreaker to not serve Odium.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Known Skybreakers ==