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Taking his copy of [[The Way of Kings]] under his arm and unwilling to bow before the enemy, [[Dalinar]] goes alone to meet the enemy.{{book ref|sa3|116}} Despite the [[Azish]]'s departure [[Lift]] had snuck away unwilling to abandon Dalinar to the enemy. Unsure of the importance of the King's Drop, but seeing how the enemy protected it, Dalinar orders lift to pursue and retrieve the gem.{{book ref|sa3|117}} [[Szeth]], who hovers above the city along with [[Nale]] chooses to swear the Third Ideal of the [[Skybreaker]]s opting to put his faith in a man who will do what is right: Dalinar. Szeth descends upon the battlefield with [[Nightblood]] unsheathed and brings fury to the enemy in order to aid Lift in accomplishing her task. {{book ref|sa3|117}}{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Odium and Dalinar meet along with several Fused including [[Venli]]. Odium explains that he had been grooming Dalinar for years and reveals that he himself is to be Odium's Champion. Dalinar falls to his knees as the Thrill and the pain of his past actions bombard him. He is broken and alone and Odium offers him an escape of that pain if he will just give in. {{book ref|sa3|118}} Dalinar instead manages to overcome the pressure and accept and bare his pain, refusing to become Odium's Champion. He rises to his feet and reaches his hands to either side. In one hand he grips the [[cognitiveCognitive realmRealm]], in the other the [[spiritualSpiritual realmRealm]]. Venli whispers to him asking "What are you?" He brings his hands together exclaiming, "I am unity."{{book ref|sa3|119}} All three realms, physical, cognitive, and spiritual are united in an outpouring of [[gloryspren]] and [[Stormlight]], infusing every gem in the city and forming a [[Perpendicularity]] that [[Adolin]], [[Shallan]], and [[Kaladin]] use to return to the Physical Realm and join the fight.
Shallan, using [[Lightweaving]], creates an entire army to distract their assailants, even managing to give them substance{{book ref|sa3|120}}; Jasnah shows off her prowess with her [[Soulcasting]] abilities, and decides not to kill [[Renarin]], who is revealed to have bonded a corrupted spren, instead embracing him. Renarin, who had seen his death at Jasnah's hands as a vision, realizes that his visions are not set in stone and that there is hope for humanity.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
Adolin with the help of his shardblade [[Mayalaran]] and Thaylen highguard [[Hrdalm]] engage a Thunderclast near the city's Oathgate.{{book ref|sa3|120}} Adolin scores several blows, managing to cut off the feet of the rock beast, but ultimately sustains too many injuries to fight effectively. Fortunately Renarin then arrives with healing and his own blade. Adolin lends Hrdalm his shardblade and the Thaylen goes to battle the Thunderclast beside Renarin. Eventually, the two of them manage to bring down the beast, reducing it to inanimate stone. Renarin then makes for the Oathgate only to see it guarded by a dozen flying Fused.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
In [[Urithiru]] a suprise attack aimed at distracting the Alethi from sending reinforcements has been underway. [[Teft]] finally bonds an [[honorspren]] and swears his ideal becoming a full Radiant and uses his new powers to activate the Oathgate. In Thaylen city the light of the activated gate momentarily scatters the Fused, and 2000 Kholin troops along with [[Bridge Four]] pour from the Oathgate to join the battle with Teft at their head.{{book ref|sa3|120}} Back at the ships the Singers arrived upon, [[Venli]] finally makes a decision and bonds a [[lightspren]], which takes her previously bonded voidspren captive.{{book ref|sa3|120}} She finds that she can change her eye color at will now and can fool Odium. She remains with the Singers are begins to tell them the truth of those who came before, Thethe [[ListenersListener]]s.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
Lift reaches Dalinar and delivers the King's Drop, a perfect gemstone, the only vessel capable of capturing one of the Unmade. Dalinar embraces the thrill. All his years under it's influence allow him to understand it like no other, and he uses this understanding to drawn in and ultimately capture Nergaoul. The Thrill is sealed, and the soldiers of Sadeas' army return to normal, either fleeing or collapsing in place. Kaladin is almost killed by Amaram after he runs out of Stormlight, but is saved by [[Rock]], who kills Amaram with two shots from a Shardbow. The Fused and Singers retreat, while Kholin forces and the [[Windrunners]] sweep the city of it's last resistance. The day is won.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
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sa3: 111-122
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