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(adding references to Brighness Kholin)
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Dalinar cannot hear or remember her name, possibly because of [[Old Magic]]. He has no memories of her, but knows he was married to her for years before her death. When her name is mentioned, Dalinar hears a rushing of wind instead of her name. Searching for some recollection of her, Dalinar asks [[Navani Kholin]] about her, who says that she was a nice woman, but didn't match Dalinar in intellect.{{book ref|twok|64}}
She has been erased from [[Dalinar]]'s memory so thoroughly that sometimes he has trouble even remembering that he had ever been married in the first place.{{book ref|sa1|51}} [[Dalinar]] is able to remember memories which include her but will see a blank spot where she should be in the memory, even if all other details are incredibly crisp.[[Dalinar]] thinks of these as strange gaps and foggy areas of his mind.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
When looking at her son [[Adolin]], [[Kaladin]] thinks to himself that his mother was likely from [[Rira (country)|Rira]] due to the large amount of blonde in his hair.{{book ref|sa2|16}}
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