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|books=[[Mistborn trilogy]]
'''Ashweather Cett''' was a nobleman from [[Fadrex City]] during the [[Final Empire]] period on [[Scadrial]].{{cite}} After the [[Lord Ruler]]'s death and the [[Collapse]], he quickly took control of the [[Western Dominance]] but was unable to keep control of Fadrex City. He decided to lay siege on [[Luthadel]] before [[Aradan Yomen]], an [[obligator]] in the city and a much more popular leader, ousted him from control.
In the [[Siege of Luthadel]], Cett was outnumbered by [[Straff Venture]]'s forces. Realizing this, he secretly entered Luthadel and presented himself to [[Elend Venture]] at an [[Assembly]] meeting, proposing that his troops enter the city and the pair ally against Straff. However, when Elend was attacked by Mistings, [[Vin]] believed these to be agents of Cett after recognising one Thug supposedly as a servant of Cett. Vin and [[Zane Venture]] then entered [[Keep Hasting]], killing Cett's soldiers and almost killing Cett himself--Vin suspected him to be Mistborn although he was not. Cett then left the city with his troops.